Proposed Kentucky Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Kentucky does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: AN ACT relating to criminal records.
Description: Amend KRS 431.076 to expand the scope of an expungement motion under that statute to include felonies referred to a grand jury where no indictment ensues; amend KRS 431.078 to expand that statute's expungement process to include Class D felonies; amend KRS 527.040 to expressly provide that an expunged felony does not trigger the application of that statute; create a new section of KRS Chapter 413 to prohibit the introduction of information pertaining to an expunged conviction as evidence in a civil suit or administrative proceeding alleging negligent hiring or licensing.
Last Action: signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 094)
Last Action Date: April 12, 2016

Title: Urge the Governor of Virginia and the Virginia Attorney General to restore reciprocal recognition of licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons issued by Kentucky.
Description: Urge the Governor of Virginia and the Virginia Attorney General to restore reciprocal recognition of licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons issued by Kentucky.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: January 19, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
Description: Amend KRS 527.070 to allow vocational school teachers and administrators with valid concealed carry permits to carry deadly weapons on vocational school property; amend KRS 237.110 to conform.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: January 7, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms and declaring an emergency.
Description: Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237 to require the General Assembly to enact laws to prevent the enforcement of federal acts that violate the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; EMERGENCY.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: January 7, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
Description: Amend KRS 527.070 to allow persons with valid concealed deadly weapons licenses or temporary permits to carry concealed weapons on public elementary and secondary school property; amend KRS 237.115 to allow persons with valid concealed deadly weapons licenses or temporary permits to carry concealed weapons on public post-secondary property, and in buildings controlled by state and local government, except courtrooms and detention facilities; amend KRS 237.110 to allow persons with valid concealed deadly weapons licenses or temporary permits to carry concealed weapons in meetings of the General Assembly, and to conform.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: January 12, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to state legislative findings and make declarations that all federal laws and regulations commandeering state or local law enforcement to enforce federal restrictions of firearms are invalid and of no effect in Kentucky and that the General Assembly has the duty to enact all measures to prevent their enforcement; that the General Assembly has the duty to protect and defend the state and federal constitutions, and that current and proposed presidential actions relating to the acquisition, possession, and use of firearms and accessories are violative of presidential powers and citizens' rights under the federal constitution.
Last Action: floor amendment (1) filed
Last Action Date: January 28, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to school safety.
Description: Amend KRS 520.070 to include school marshals as persons exempt from the prohibition against possession of a firearm on school property if authorized by a local school board or governing body of a private or parochial school; create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to allow for the appointment of a school marshal by a local school board or governing body of a private or parochial school; specify that a person authorized and appointed under this section is designated as a school marshal and enumerate restrictions on school marshal's powers; provide that persons certified to act as peace officers under KRS 15.380 are exempt from restrictions; establish requirements of eligibility for a school marshal's appointment; enumerate board's or governing bodies' responsibilities; require that schools designated as school marshal sites collaborate with the Kentucky State Police and local law enforcement on safety procedures prior to appointment of a school marshal; provide limits on liability for school boards or governing bodies that appoint school marshals; establish limits on the possession, transport, deposit, or carrying of firearms by a school marshal while on school property; limit liability for school marshals for acts or omissions undertaken pursuant to this section; provide that the school marshal is responsible for expenditures related to the purchase of a firearm, ammunition, or any other associated costs; allow that a local school board or governing body may pay compensation for expenses incurred undertaking school marshal's duties or appointment requirements; specify that otherwise lawful possession of a firearm as provided under KRS 527.070 or any other state or federal law is not restricted; exclude postsecondary or higher education institutions from coverage; require that any board of a local public school district or governing body of a private or parochial school that appoints a school marshal adopt guidelines to carry out school marshal's requirements.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: January 19, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to weapons carried by current and retired peace officers and declaring an emergency.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to allow authorized off-duty and retired peace officers to carry concealed firearms at any location where on-duty officers may carry fireamrs; EMERGENCY.
Last Action: signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 106)
Last Action Date: April 13, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
Description: Amend 527.020 to allow members of the General Assembly and constitutional officers who have CCDW permits to carry concealead deadly weapons anywhere in the commonwealth.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: February 1, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to weapons carried by peace officers and declaring an emergency.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to allow off-duty peace officers to carry concealed firearms at any location where on-duty officers may carry firearms; EMERGENCY.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: February 4, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to local government controls of firearms, ammunition, and firearms accessories by employees thereof.
Description: Amend KRS 65.870 to allow a duly organized law enforcement agency to enact and enforce regulations pertaining to firearms, ammunition, or accessories issued to or used by peace officers in the course of their official duties, as well as allowing any entity subject to the prohibitions of the section to regulate or prohibit the carrying of firearms and ammunition by an employee during and in the course of the employee's official duties.
Last Action: posted in committee
Last Action Date: February 29, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed carry of deadly weapons by employees of the Commonwealth.
Description: Amend KRS 527.020 to provide that employees of the state may carry concealed deadly weapons in vehicles owned or registered to the state if they are engaged in their official duties and are licensed to carry a concealed deadly weapon; prohibit state employees from doing so on property operating as a detention facility or school property unless authorized under KRS 527.070.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: February 9, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to allow concealed deadly weapons to be carried without a license under certain conditions and to require posted notices where carrying a concealed weapon is prohibited; create prepayable fines for the first and second violation of the new section, with subsequent violations classified as a Class B misdemeanor; repeal KRS 527.020, which makes carrying a concealed weapon under certain conditions a Class A misdemeanor; amend multiple sections to conform.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: March 1, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons licensing.
Description: Amend KRS 237.110 and 202A.400 to suspend or deny a license to carry concealed deadly weapon to a person reported by a licensed neuropsychologist or a licensed psychiatrist to a law enforcement agency as making an actual threat of physical violence against another person.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: March 1, 2016

Title: Urge the Governor of Virginia and the Virginia Attorney General to restore reciprocal recognition of licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons issued by Kentucky.
Description: Urge the Governor of Virginia and the Virginia Attorney General to restore reciprocal recognition of licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons issued by Kentucky.
Last Action: to Judiciary (H)
Last Action Date: February 1, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to opportunities in education.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide a nonrefundable income tax credit for contributions made to an entity exempt from taxation which supports public education; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish a separate income tax credit for tuition assistance based on contributions made to a qualified scholarship-granting organization; create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to provide goals and reporting of metrics related to those goals; amend KRS 141.0205 to establish the order in which the credits may be taken; create a new section of KRS 136.500 to 136.575 to allow financial institutions to take both tax credits against the tax imposed by KRS 136.505; create a new section of KRS 136.500 to 136.575 to order all bank franchise tax credits.
Last Action: to Appropriations & Revenue (S)
Last Action Date: January 7, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to offender reentry.
Description: Create new sections of KRS Chapter 431 to allow a felony record to be expunged under specified circumstances; require the Administrative Office of the Courts to keep a confidential index of expungement orders for the preparation of presentence investigations; provide that if a defendant for whom a presentence investigation report is prepared including information relating to an expunged record is subsequently found not guilty of the offense for which the presentence investigation report was prepared or the charge or charges for which the presentence investigation report was prepared are dismissed with prejudice, then any information contained within the presentence investigation report must be redacted; amend KRS 431.078, relating to misdemeanor expungement, to begin the five-year waiting period from the date of adjudication of the offense; amend KRS 527.040, relating to possession of a firearm by a felon, to exempt individuals who have had their felony records expunged; amend various sections in KRS Chapter 335B relating to employment and licensure of persons convicted of crime to narrow the class of offenses to which the chapter applies; add consideration of the passage of time since the commission of the offense to the criteria considered in making licensure decisions; delete language relating to a hiring or licensing authority's subjective view of an ex-offender's rehabilitation; require a connection between the offense and the licensure category before a licensure denial is issued; repeal, reenact, and amend KRS 335B.060 to exempt peace officers and other law enforcement personnel as well as licensure categories preempted by federal law; repeal KRS 335B.040, relating to denial of license on ground of abuse of good moral character.
Last Action: to Judiciary (S)
Last Action Date: January 7, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to dangerous instruments.
Description: Amend KRS 65.870 to prevent county and local governments from regulating knives; amend KRS 500.080 to remove knives from the definition of a deadly weapon; amend KRS 446.010 to define "dangerous instrument" wherever the term is used in Kentucky Revised Statues; amend various sections to include dangerous instruments in provisions concerning deadly weapons.
Last Action: to State & Local Government (S)
Last Action Date: January 21, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to child safety.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to enumerate that it is a criminal offense for any person to allow a juvenile access to a readily dischargeable firearm if he or she knowingly or recklessly failed to secure the firearm or left the firearm in a place the person knew or should have known the juvenile would access; allow affirmative defenses to an offense under this section; provide that an offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor, and a Class A misdemeanor if the juvenile discharges the firearm and causes the death or serious injury of the juvenile or another person; amend KRS 507.010 to provide a definition of "readily dischargeable firearm"; amend KRS 507.050 to provide that a person is guilty of reckless homicide if he or she accesses a readily dischargeable firearm in a manner that leads to the death of a child; amend KRS 527.010 to conform; provide that this Act be known as the the "Andre O'Neal Memorial Act."
Last Action: to Judiciary (S)
Last Action Date: February 25, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to school safety.
Description: Amend KRS 520.070 to include school marshals as persons exempt from the prohibition against possession of a firearm on school property if authorized by a local school board or governing body of a private or parochial school; create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to allow for the appointment of a school marshal by a local school board or governing body of a private or parochial school; specify that a person authorized and appointed under this section is designated as a school marshal and enumerate restrictions on school marshal's powers; provide that persons certified to act as peace officers under KRS 15.380 are exempt from restrictions; establish requirements of eligibility for a school marshal's appointment; enumerate board's or governing bodies' responsibilities; require that schools designated as school marshal sites collaborate with the Kentucky State Police and local law enforcement on safety procedures prior to appointment of a school marshal; provide limits on liability for school boards or governing bodies that appoint school marshals; establish limits on the possession, transport, deposit, or carrying of firearms by a school marshal while on school property; limit liability for school marshals for acts or omissions undertaken pursuant to this section; provide that the school marshal is responsible for expenditures related to the purchase of a firearm, ammunition, or any other associated costs; allow that a local school board or governing body may pay compensation for expenses incurred undertaking school marshal's duties or appointment requirements; specify that otherwise lawful possession of a firearm as provided under KRS 527.070 or any other state or federal law is not restricted; exclude postsecondary or higher education institutions from coverage; require that any board of a local public school district or governing body of a private or parochial school that appoints a school marshal adopt guidelines to carry out school marshal's requirements.
Last Action: to Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (S)
Last Action Date: February 25, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
Description: Amend KRS 237.110 to allow applicants for concealed carry licenses to receive instruction from certain courses and qualified instructors outside of the Department of Criminal Justice Training firearms safety program; prohibit administrative regulations which would require concealed deadly weapon license applicants to clean guns in class; replace hands-on classroom gun cleaning requirements with instructor demonstrations; move investigation of incomplete training to Kentucky State Police from Department of Criminal Justice Training; create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to provide Kentucky State Police with authority to approve firearms safety courses and programs for training qualified instructors; amend KRS 237.120 to require instructor trainers to have 3 years of prior experience as applicant instructors; amend KRS 237.122 to allow firearms instructor trainers or certified firearms instructors to charge any amount for courses, rather than capping the applicant course at $75 and the instructor course at $150; amend KRS 237.128 to make providing incomplete firearms training a Class A misdemeanor rather than a Class D felony; amend KRS 237.132 to make failure to report insufficient training a Class B misdemeanor; amend various KRS sections to conform.
Last Action: recommitted to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: March 28, 2016

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to allow concealed deadly weapons to be carried without a license under certain conditions and to require posted notices where carrying a concealed weapon is prohibited; create prepayable fines for the first and second violation of the new section, with subsequent violations classified as a Class B misdemeanor; repeal KRS 527.020, which makes carrying a concealed weapon under certain conditions a Class A misdemeanor; amend multiple sections to conform.
Last Action: to State & Local Government (S)
Last Action Date: March 4, 2016