Proposed Kentucky Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Kentucky does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: AN ACT relating to prohibiting the enforcement of a federal ban or regulation of firearms and declaring an emergency.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to prohibit identified entities from enforcing federal firearm bans; prohibit identified entities from adopting rules, regulations, or ordinances that require enforcement of federal firearm bans; and prohibit identified entities from allocating public resources or moneys in the enforcement of federal firearm bans; EMERGENCY.
Last Action: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: March 15, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to the taxation of firearms and ammunition.
Description: Amend KRS 139.010 to add definitions of "firearm" and "ammunition"; amend KRS 139.480 to exempt firearms and ammunition from sales and use tax and require reporting related to the exemption; amend KRS 131.190 to allow reporting by the Department of Revenue; EFFECTIVE August 1, 2022.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: January 4, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to religious freedom during a declared emergency.
Description: Amend KRS 39A.100 to exclude houses of worship from emergency condemnation authority; prohibit a governmental entity from prohibiting religious services during an emergency to a greater extent than imposed on other organizations or businesses that provide essential services; require a compelling governmental interest to place a burden on a religious organization; prohibit a governmental entity from taking any discriminatory action against a religious organization on the basis that the organization is religious; define "discriminatory action," "governmental entity," "religious organization," and "religious services"; allow a religious organization to assert a violation of this section as a claim against a governmental entity or as a defense and waive sovereign, governmental, and qualified immunity to the extent of liability under the section; set out remedies available to a religious organization; require construciton in favor of protecting free exercise of religion; require a religious organization to bring an action no later than two years from the date the person should have known of the discriminatory action.
Last Action: signed by Governor (Acts Ch. 82)
Last Action Date: April 5, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Amend KRS 237.109 to lower the age requirement for carrying a concealed and deadly weapon from 21 to 18; amend KRS 237.110 to conform.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: January 4, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to public contracts.
Description: Create a new section of KRS 45A.343 to 45A.460 to prohibit a governmental body or political subdivision of this state from entering into contracts valued at or above $100,000 with a company that has ten or more employees and discriminates against firearm entities or firearm trade associations; set forth what does and does not constitute discrimination; exempt sole proprietorships.
Last Action: returned to Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Last Action Date: March 14, 2022

Title: A RESOLUTION commemorating the one year anniversary of the March 16, 2021, mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia, and acknowledging the need to address gun violence in our communities.
Description: Commemorate the first anniversary of the March 16, 2021, mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia, and acknowledge the need to address gun violence.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: March 14, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
Description: Repeal KRS 237.115, which interprets the application of the license to carry concealed deadly weapon statute as permitting postsecondary facilities, local governments, and units of state governement to limit concealed carry in governmental buildings, to ensure that those entities cannot prohibit the carrying of concealed deadly weapons; amend various sections to conform.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: January 4, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms and declaring an emergency.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to define terms; prohibit an identified entity from enforcing, or assisting in the enforcement of, any federal law that does not exist under the laws of Kentucky and limits firearm ownership; create a Class B misdemeanor with enhancement for subsequent offenses for any government official who violates the prohibition; grant authority to the Attorney General to file a civil action in Circuit Court to enforce the prohibition; permit citizens to file complaints with the Attorney General for violations of the prohibition. Make federal agents subject to arrest for enforcing prohibition; or attempting to arrest local or state officials; provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Second Amendment Preservation Act; EMERGENCY.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: January 4, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to gun safety for children.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to make it a crime to unlawfully store a firearm; establish elements of the crime for recklessly allowing access to an unsecured firearm by a minor; establish the crime as a Class B misdemeanor unless a physical injury or death results, in which case it is a Class A misdemeanor; establish the short title of Baby Dre Gun Safety Act.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: January 13, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to public safety.
Description: Amend KRS 500.080 to define "riot"; amend KRS 508.010, relating to assault in the first degree, to create a mandatory fine of $15,000 when the offense is committed during the course of a riot; amend KRS 508.025, relating to assault in the third degree, to create a mandatory fine of $5,000 and a minimum sentence of 30 days' incarceration, which is not subject to any form of early release; amend KRS 508.030 to provide that knowingly shining or aiming a laser towards the head of another person results in a Class A misdemeanor; amend KRS 511.060, 511.070, and 511.080 to make criminal trespass enhance one classification level when done to harass a person who is a law enforcement officer, active duty member of the military, judge, or elected or appointed government official; create a new section of KRS Chapter 512 to require the court to order full restitution in any conviction under KRS 512.020, 512.030, or 512.040; amend KRS 512.020 to create a mandatory fine of $5,000 when a person is convicted of criminal mischief in the first degree during the course of a riot; create a new section of KRS Chapter 525 to require the court to order full restitution in any conviction under KRS 525.020, 525.030, or 525.040; amend KRS 525.020, relating to riot in the first degree, to create a minimum sentence of 45 days' incarceration, which is not subject to any form of early release; amend KRS 525.030, relating to riot in the second degree, to create a minimum sentence of 30 days' incarceration, which is not subject to any form of early release; amend KRS 525.140 to make obstructing a highway a Class D felony when the obstruction blocks an emergency vehicle, emergency responder, or emergency exit; amend KRS 525.150 to make disrupting meetings and processions a Class A misdemeanor in all cases; create a new section of KRS Chapter 431 to require 12-hour hold for any person charged with certain offenses and allow exceptions; amend KRS 431.073 to exclude various Class D felonies from being expungeable; amend KRS 533.254 to require the court to order restitution in cases where a person is put on probation or given pretrial diversion; amend KRS 411.100 to require gross negligence for a cause of action for property damaged by riotous or tumultuous assemblage of people that a local government could have prevented; repeal KRS 525.145, relating to disrupting meetings and processions in the first degree; amend various sections to conform.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: January 28, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to local firearms control and declaring an emergency.
Description: Amend KRS 65.870 to remove state preemption of local firearms regulations and allow local governments to enact ordinances regulating firearms; amend KRS 237.115 to conform; EMERGENCY.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: February 1, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Create new sections of KRS Chapter 16 to direct the Kentucky State Police to establish the Kentucky Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms List to prohibit the possession, sale, or transfer of firearms to individuals who voluntarily request to be added the list; prescribe procedures for application for entry and removal from the list; establish penalties; amend KRS 237.110 to exclude persons on the list from eligibility for license to carry a concealed weapon.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: February 16, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to creation of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and making an appropriation therefor.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to establish the Office of Gun Violence Prevention; set duties; require annual reporting; appropriate funds; APPROPRIATION.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: February 28, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Amend KRS 527.010 to define "courthouse"; amend KRS 527.020 to allow licensed attorneys in good standing with the Kentucky Bar Association to carry concealed deadly weapons into a courthouse; require attorneys who intend to carry a concealed deadly weapon into a courthouse to file a notice of intent with the sheriff; require the sheriff to maintain a list of attorneys who file an intent to carry a concealed deadly weapon into a courthouse, and require those attorneys to show their concealed carry license to the bailiff upon entry.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: February 28, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to attorneys.
Description: Amend KRS 27A.100 to establish membership by appointment, election, or office to the Judicial Council, and establish election by the membership of a chair, vice-chair, and secretary with terms of office.
Last Action: veto sustained
Last Action Date: April 14, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Amend KRS 237.115 to reformat text.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: March 1, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Amend KRS 237.040 to include gender-neutral language.
Last Action: to Committee on Committees (H)
Last Action Date: March 1, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Amend KRS 16.220 to require the destruction of confiscated firearms; amend various sections to conform.
Last Action: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: January 4, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to firearms.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 237 to define "antique firearm"; require law enforcement agencies to enter reports into the National Crime Information Center; exempt antique firearms; create civil penalty for failure to make required report; authorize county attorneys to bring civil action for violations.
Last Action: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: February 7, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to gun safety for children.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to make it a crime to unlawfully store a firearm; establish elements of the crime for recklessly allowing access to an unsecured firearm by a minor; establish the crime as a Class A misdemeanor unless a physical injury or death results, in which case it is a Class D felony; short title of Baby Dre Gun Safety Act.
Last Action: to Judiciary (S)
Last Action Date: February 11, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to crisis aversion and rights retention orders.
Description: Create new sections of KRS Chapter 237 to state how to interpret the Act; define terms; allow law enforcement officers to petition a court to issue crisis aversion and rights retention orders when a respondent poses a present danger of causing serious physical injury to themselves or others through purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm; establish procedures for the filing, review, hearing, termination, or renewal of the petition and orders; provide court processes and evidentiary standards; allow entry of the orders into law enforcement systems; prescribe issuance and service procedures for resulting protection orders; establish procedures for the surrender, storage, transfer, and return of firearms; establish penalties; allow for recognition and enforcement of foreign orders; amend KRS 431.015 to allow warrantless arrest for violations of the orders; amend KRS 31.110 and 431.076 to conform.
Last Action: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: March 2, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons.
Description: Amend KRS 527.070 to modify the types of school facilities where weapons are prohibited; state that the prohibition of weapons on school grounds only applies when entrances to the school buildings display a sign indicating that unlawfully possessing a weapon in a school is a felony; remove the requirement that signs be prominently displayed indicating possessing a weapon in a school is prohibited; remove the provision that failure to post the signs indicating weapons are prohibited in schools shall not relieve a person of liability; amend KRS 150.172, 237.110, and 527.020 to conform; repeal KRS 237.115 which interprets the application of the license to carry concealed deadly weapon statute as permitting postsecondary facilities and state and local governments to limit concealed carry in governmental buildings.
Last Action: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: March 3, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to the forensic processing of firearms.
Description: Create a new section of KRS Chapter 15 to require law enforcement agencies to transmit information to national law enforcement databases about firearms collected during criminal investigations.
Last Action: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: March 7, 2022

Title: AN ACT relating to carrying concealed weapons.
Description: Repeals KRS 237.109 to require a permit to carry concealed deadly weapons; amend KRS 527.020 and 237.115 to conform.
Last Action: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Last Action Date: March 7, 2022