Proposed Oklahoma Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
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note: Any bills or joint resolutions pending in the Legislature from odd-numbered year is reintroduced to even-numbered years with the exception of bills and joint resolutions pending in a conference committee at the time of adjournment in the odd-numbered year.

Title: Firearms; removing vehicle passenger restriction; effective date.
Description: Firearms; removing vehicle passenger restriction; effective date.
Last Action: CR; Do Pass Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: Firearms; removing vehicle passenger restriction; effective date.
Description: Firearms; removing vehicle passenger restriction; effective date.
Last Action: CR; Do Pass Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: Firearms; reducing penalty for unlawfully carrying firearm; effective date.
Description: Firearms; reducing penalty for unlawfully carrying firearm; effective date.
Last Action: Authored by Senator Scott (principal Senate author)
Last Action Date: February 20, 2019

Title: Firearms; reducing penalty for unlawfully carrying firearm; effective date.
Description: Firearms; reducing penalty for unlawfully carrying firearm; effective date.
Last Action: Authored by Senator Scott (principal Senate author)
Last Action Date: February 20, 2019

Title: Firearms; carrying of firearms where liquor is consumed; modifying exception to include certain persons; effective date.
Description: Firearms; carrying of firearms where liquor is consumed; modifying exception to include certain persons; effective date.
Last Action: Authored by Senator Bergstrom (principal Senate author)
Last Action Date: February 14, 2019

Title: Firearms; carrying of firearms where liquor is consumed; modifying exception to include certain persons; effective date.
Description: Firearms; carrying of firearms where liquor is consumed; modifying exception to include certain persons; effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Senator Bullard
Last Action Date: May 11, 2020

Title: Firearms; clarifying manner in which a loaded or unloaded firearm may be carried without a license; effective date.
Description: Firearms; clarifying manner in which a loaded or unloaded firearm may be carried without a license; effective date.
Last Action: CR; Do Pass Wildlife Committee
Last Action Date: February 13, 2019

Title: Firearms; clarifying manner in which a loaded or unloaded firearm may be carried without a license; effective date.
Description: Firearms; clarifying manner in which a loaded or unloaded firearm may be carried without a license; effective date.
Last Action: CR; Do Pass Wildlife Committee
Last Action Date: February 13, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing transmission of certain information by using electronic methods or data exchange; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing transmission of certain information by using electronic methods or data exchange; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 04/10/2019
Last Action Date: April 10, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing transmission of certain information by using electronic methods or data exchange; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing transmission of certain information by using electronic methods or data exchange; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 04/10/2019
Last Action Date: April 10, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing the carry of firearms onto certain public property; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing the carry of firearms onto certain public property; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing the carry of firearms onto certain public property; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing the carry of firearms onto certain public property; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Crimes and punishments; clarifying certain license eligibility requirement and definition; effective date.
Description: Crimes and punishments; clarifying certain license eligibility requirement and definition; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 05/21/2019
Last Action Date: May 21, 2019

Title: Crimes and punishments; clarifying certain license eligibility requirement and definition; effective date.
Description: Crimes and punishments; clarifying certain license eligibility requirement and definition; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 05/21/2019
Last Action Date: May 21, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing the carry of concealed handguns on certain property; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing the carry of concealed handguns on certain property; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 04/30/2019
Last Action Date: April 30, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing the carry of concealed handguns on certain property; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing the carry of concealed handguns on certain property; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 04/30/2019
Last Action Date: April 30, 2019

Title: Firearms; requiring certain burden of proof when immunity claim is raised in criminal prosecution; effective date.
Description: Firearms; requiring certain burden of proof when immunity claim is raised in criminal prosecution; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; requiring certain burden of proof when immunity claim is raised in criminal prosecution; effective date.
Description: Firearms; requiring certain burden of proof when immunity claim is raised in criminal prosecution; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; prohibiting business entities from establishing certain policy or rule; effective date.
Description: Firearms; prohibiting business entities from establishing certain policy or rule; effective date.
Last Action: CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: Firearms; prohibiting business entities from establishing certain policy or rule; effective date.
Description: Firearms; prohibiting business entities from establishing certain policy or rule; effective date.
Last Action: CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing municipal officials to carry in municipal buildings under certain circumstances; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing municipal officials to carry in municipal buildings under certain circumstances; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing municipal officials to carry in municipal buildings under certain circumstances; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing municipal officials to carry in municipal buildings under certain circumstances; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing notification of handgun license expirations to be sent via email; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing notification of handgun license expirations to be sent via email; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 05/16/2019
Last Action Date: May 16, 2019

Title: Firearms; prohibiting expenditure of public monies for certain purposes relating to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution; codification; effective date.
Description: Firearms; prohibiting expenditure of public monies for certain purposes relating to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution; codification; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; prohibiting expenditure of public monies for certain purposes relating to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution; codification; effective date.
Description: Firearms; prohibiting expenditure of public monies for certain purposes relating to the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution; codification; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing handgun licensees to carry on school property under certain circumstances; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing handgun licensees to carry on school property under certain circumstances; effective date.
Last Action: SA's received
Last Action Date: February 13, 2020

Title: Firearms; authorizing handgun licensees to carry on school property under certain circumstances; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing handgun licensees to carry on school property under certain circumstances; effective date.
Last Action: Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed
Last Action Date: April 9, 2019

Title: Protective orders; creating the Oklahoma Extreme Risk Protective Order Act; providing procedures for filing petition for firearms restraining order; effective date.
Description: Protective orders; creating the Oklahoma Extreme Risk Protective Order Act; providing procedures for filing petition for firearms restraining order; effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 25, 2019

Title: Protective orders; creating the Oklahoma Extreme Risk Protective Order Act; providing procedures for filing petition for firearms restraining order; effective date.
Description: Protective orders; creating the Oklahoma Extreme Risk Protective Order Act; providing procedures for filing petition for firearms restraining order; effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 25, 2019

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act of 2020; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act of 2020; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: April 6, 2020

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 6, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing municipalities to allow for the carry of concealed firearms by municipal employees for personal protection; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing municipalities to allow for the carry of concealed firearms by municipal employees for personal protection; effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Senator Bullard
Last Action Date: May 11, 2020

Title: Firearms; adding exception to certain prohibited act; adding condition that allows for firearms to be lawfully carried; effective date.
Description: Firearms; adding exception to certain prohibited act; adding condition that allows for firearms to be lawfully carried; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 02/27/2019
Last Action Date: February 27, 2019

Title: Firearms; adding exception to certain prohibited act; adding condition that allows for firearms to be lawfully carried; effective date.
Description: Firearms; adding exception to certain prohibited act; adding condition that allows for firearms to be lawfully carried; effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 02/27/2019
Last Action Date: February 27, 2019

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 6, 2019

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2019; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 6, 2019

Title: Firearms; creating the Second Amendment Preservation Act; directing courts and law enforcement agencies to protect certain rights of law-abiding citizens; codification; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Second Amendment Preservation Act; directing courts and law enforcement agencies to protect certain rights of law-abiding citizens; codification; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; clarifying preemption provision and certain mandate; effective date.
Description: Firearms; clarifying preemption provision and certain mandate; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; providing exception to certain prohibited acts for members of the Oklahoma Legislature and retired peace officers; effective date.
Description: Firearms; providing exception to certain prohibited acts for members of the Oklahoma Legislature and retired peace officers; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Schools; handgun licenses for school personnel; trauma-informed care and mental health training; effective date.
Description: Schools; handgun licenses for school personnel; trauma-informed care and mental health training; effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; considering certain action as infringing on the right to keep and bear arms; prohibiting termination or retaliation against a law enforcement officer in certain instances; effective date.
Description: Firearms; considering certain action as infringing on the right to keep and bear arms; prohibiting termination or retaliation against a law enforcement officer in certain instances; effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative(s) CrosswhiteHader, Hardin (David), Roberts (Dustin)
Last Action Date: February 27, 2020

Title: Criminal procedure; providing for the relinquishment of firearms and ammunition upon certain finding by the court; effective date.
Description: Criminal procedure; providing for the relinquishment of firearms and ammunition upon certain finding by the court; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; making certain acts unlawful; emergency.
Description: Firearms; making certain acts unlawful; emergency.
Last Action: Referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 17, 2020

Title: Firearms; prohibiting persons from carrying certain weapons; effective date.
Description: Firearms; prohibiting persons from carrying certain weapons; effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 19, 2020

Title: Firearms; modifying legislative findings for firearms; specifying persons authorized to carry firearms; effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying legislative findings for firearms; specifying persons authorized to carry firearms; effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Senator Bullard
Last Action Date: May 11, 2020

Title: Firearms; expanding scope of certain prohibited act; effective date.
Description: Firearms; expanding scope of certain prohibited act; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; clarifying preemption provision; specifying circumstances that authorize the filing of civil actions against certain persons or entities; effective date.
Description: Firearms; clarifying preemption provision; specifying circumstances that authorize the filing of civil actions against certain persons or entities; effective date.
Last Action: Authored by Senator Hall (principal Senate author)
Last Action Date: February 27, 2020

Title: Firearms; clarifying exemption that authorizes the possession of firearms on certain property; effective date.
Description: Firearms; clarifying exemption that authorizes the possession of firearms on certain property; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2020; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 2020; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Commercial transactions; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Industry Nondiscrimination Act; defining terms; deeming certain discriminatory practices unlawful; effective date.
Description: Commercial transactions; creating the Oklahoma Firearms Industry Nondiscrimination Act; defining terms; deeming certain discriminatory practices unlawful; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Criminal procedure; stolen property or money; clarifying hearing procedures for returning property to lawful owners; effective date.
Description: Criminal procedure; stolen property or money; clarifying hearing procedures for returning property to lawful owners; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: April 6, 2020

Title: Firearms; deleting exception to certain prohibited act; emergency.
Description: Firearms; deleting exception to certain prohibited act; emergency.
Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 17, 2020

Title: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act of 2020; deleting named act and adding statutory references; repealers; effective date.
Description: Firearms; creating the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act of 2020; deleting named act and adding statutory references; repealers; effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 20, 2020

Title: Domestic violence; providing for the relinquishment of firearms under certain circumstances; effective date.
Description: Domestic violence; providing for the relinquishment of firearms under certain circumstances; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; prohibiting the carrying of certain weapons; effective date.
Description: Firearms; prohibiting the carrying of certain weapons; effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; authorizing municipal employees to carry handguns in municipal buildings under certain circumstances; repealer; effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing municipal employees to carry handguns in municipal buildings under certain circumstances; repealer; effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 20, 2020

Title: Firearms; modifying requirement for licensed carry. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying requirement for licensed carry. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Roberts (Sean) (principal House author)
Last Action Date: February 6, 2019

Title: Constitutional amendment; expanding rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. Ballot title.
Description: Constitutional amendment; expanding rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. Ballot title.
Last Action: Coauthored by Senator Stanislawski
Last Action Date: March 11, 2020

Title: Constitutional amendment; expanding rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. Ballot title.
Description: Constitutional amendment; expanding rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. Ballot title.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying language and definitions. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying language and definitions. Effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 04/16/2019
Last Action Date: April 16, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying language and definitions. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying language and definitions. Effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 04/16/2019
Last Action Date: April 16, 2019

Title: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; clarifying language. Effective date.
Description: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; clarifying language. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 19, 2019

Title: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; clarifying language. Effective date.
Description: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; clarifying language. Effective date.
Last Action: Withdrawn from Judiciary, Direct to Calendar
Last Action Date: May 4, 2020

Title: Firearms; authorizing carry in the Capitol. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing carry in the Capitol. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Humphrey (principal House author)
Last Action Date: February 4, 2019

Title: Firearms; authorizing carry in the Capitol. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; authorizing carry in the Capitol. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Humphrey (principal House author)
Last Action Date: February 4, 2019

Title: Firearms; removing certain restrictions. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; removing certain restrictions. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; removing certain restrictions. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; removing certain restrictions. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying authority for certain carry. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying authority for certain carry. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Roberts (Sean) (principal House author)
Last Action Date: February 20, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying authority for certain carry. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying authority for certain carry. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Roberts (Sean) (principal House author)
Last Action Date: February 20, 2019

Title: Firearms; allowing certain carry without license; requiring certain training. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; allowing certain carry without license; requiring certain training. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Caldwell (Trey)
Last Action Date: February 14, 2019

Title: Firearms; allowing certain carry without license; requiring certain training. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; allowing certain carry without license; requiring certain training. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Caldwell (Trey)
Last Action Date: February 14, 2019

Title: Firearms; removing certain prohibition on transporting firearms. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; removing certain prohibition on transporting firearms. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying notification requirement to law enforcement. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying notification requirement to law enforcement. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying notification requirement to law enforcement. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying notification requirement to law enforcement. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying notification procedures of unlawful carry in certain places. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying notification procedures of unlawful carry in certain places. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying notification procedures of unlawful carry in certain places. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying notification procedures of unlawful carry in certain places. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying certain renewal fee for certain applicants; modifying license fee for certain applicants. Effective date.
Description: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying certain renewal fee for certain applicants; modifying license fee for certain applicants. Effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying certain renewal fee for certain applicants; modifying license fee for certain applicants. Effective date.
Description: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying certain renewal fee for certain applicants; modifying license fee for certain applicants. Effective date.
Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Last Action Date: February 11, 2019

Title: Carrying of firearms; modifying certain allowable authorization to carry in certain places. Effective date.
Description: Carrying of firearms; modifying certain allowable authorization to carry in certain places. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Education
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Carrying of firearms; modifying certain allowable authorization to carry in certain places. Effective date.
Description: Carrying of firearms; modifying certain allowable authorization to carry in certain places. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Education
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearm permits; modifying inclusions to include municipal judges. Effective date.
Description: Firearm permits; modifying inclusions to include municipal judges. Effective date.
Last Action: Reported Do Pass Judiciary committee; CR filed
Last Action Date: February 12, 2019

Title: Firearm permits; modifying inclusions to include municipal judges. Effective date.
Description: Firearm permits; modifying inclusions to include municipal judges. Effective date.
Last Action: Reported Do Pass Judiciary committee; CR filed
Last Action Date: February 12, 2019

Title: Firearms; allowing certain persons to carry firearms on public or municipal property. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; allowing certain persons to carry firearms on public or municipal property. Effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 05/13/2019
Last Action Date: May 13, 2019

Title: Firearms; allowing certain persons to carry firearms on public or municipal property. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; allowing certain persons to carry firearms on public or municipal property. Effective date.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 05/13/2019
Last Action Date: May 13, 2019

Title: Firearm preemption; modifying preemption regulation. Effective date.
Description: Firearm preemption; modifying preemption regulation. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearm preemption; modifying preemption regulation. Effective date.
Description: Firearm preemption; modifying preemption regulation. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 5, 2019

Title: Firearms; removing certain prohibition to transporting or storing firearms; prohibiting certain policy or rule. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; removing certain prohibition to transporting or storing firearms; prohibiting certain policy or rule. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading, direct to Calendar
Last Action Date: May 6, 2020

Title: Firearms; removing certain prohibition to transporting or storing firearms; prohibiting certain policy or rule. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; removing certain prohibition to transporting or storing firearms; prohibiting certain policy or rule. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Steagall (principal House author)
Last Action Date: March 12, 2019

Title: Firearms; providing additional exception to preclusion to unlawful carry in certain places. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; providing additional exception to preclusion to unlawful carry in certain places. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: Sales tax; providing exemption for sales of firearms after specified date. Effective date.
Description: Sales tax; providing exemption for sales of firearms after specified date. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Finance
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: Sales tax; providing exemption for sales of firearms after specified date. Effective date.
Description: Sales tax; providing exemption for sales of firearms after specified date. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Finance
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying penalties for firearm violations. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying penalties for firearm violations. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying penalties for firearm violations. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying penalties for firearm violations. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying preemption of firearm regulation. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying preemption of firearm regulation. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: Firearms; modifying preemption of firearm regulation. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying preemption of firearm regulation. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 7, 2019

Title: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; providing immunity from certain prosecution; requiring certain pretrial hearing. Effective date.
Description: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; providing immunity from certain prosecution; requiring certain pretrial hearing. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Roberts (Sean)
Last Action Date: March 6, 2019

Title: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; providing immunity from certain prosecution; requiring certain pretrial hearing. Effective date.
Description: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; providing immunity from certain prosecution; requiring certain pretrial hearing. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Roberts (Sean)
Last Action Date: March 6, 2019

Title: Firearms; making exception for medical marijuana card holder; prohibiting certain denial. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; making exception for medical marijuana card holder; prohibiting certain denial. Effective date.
Last Action: Coauthored by Representative Roberts (Sean)
Last Action Date: March 6, 2019

Title: Firearms; making exception for medical marijuana card holder; prohibiting certain denial. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; making exception for medical marijuana card holder; prohibiting certain denial. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading, direct to Calendar
Last Action Date: May 6, 2020

Title: Use of deadly force; establishing procedures for certain pretrial hearing; stating burden of proof when certain immunity claims are raised. Effective date.
Description: Use of deadly force; establishing procedures for certain pretrial hearing; stating burden of proof when certain immunity claims are raised. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary Committee then to Appropriations Committee
Last Action Date: February 14, 2019

Title: Use of deadly force; establishing procedures for certain pretrial hearing; stating burden of proof when certain immunity claims are raised. Effective date.
Description: Use of deadly force; establishing procedures for certain pretrial hearing; stating burden of proof when certain immunity claims are raised. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Judiciary Committee then to Appropriations Committee
Last Action Date: February 14, 2019

Title: Firearms; state preemption of future red flag laws. Emergency.
Description: Firearms; state preemption of future red flag laws. Emergency.
Last Action: Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
Last Action Date: May 19, 2020

Title: Income tax; creating credit for certain fees required for firearms training course and certain fees relating to permit. Effective date.
Description: Income tax; creating credit for certain fees required for firearms training course and certain fees relating to permit. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Finance
Last Action Date: February 4, 2020

Title: Law enforcement training; modifying certain appointment authorization for CLEET; providing for Advisory Council membership; requiring certain application process approval for technology center schools. Effective date.
Description: Law enforcement training; modifying certain appointment authorization for CLEET; providing for Advisory Council membership; requiring certain application process approval for technology center schools. Effective date.
Last Action: Withdrawn from Appropriations and Budget, Direct to Calendar
Last Action Date: April 6, 2020

Title: Medical marijuana; broadening certain restriction on location of a retail marijuana establishment. Effective date. Emergency.
Description: Medical marijuana; broadening certain restriction on location of a retail marijuana establishment. Effective date. Emergency.
Last Action: Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Calendar
Last Action Date: April 6, 2020

Title: Weapons; authorizing persons to enter the State Capitol with a handgun. Effective date.
Description: Weapons; authorizing persons to enter the State Capitol with a handgun. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 6, 2020

Title: Firearms; modifying definitions; removing administrative fines. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying definitions; removing administrative fines. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 11, 2020

Title: Firearms; modifying allowable location where carry cannot be prohibited. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying allowable location where carry cannot be prohibited. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 11, 2020

Title: Firearms; clarifying preemption provision; providing for expenses. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; clarifying preemption provision; providing for expenses. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 6, 2020

Title: Campus carry of firearms; modifying allowable carry; removing requirement for certain written consent. Effective date.
Description: Campus carry of firearms; modifying allowable carry; removing requirement for certain written consent. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Rules
Last Action Date: February 6, 2020

Title: Firearms; modifying allowable possession. Effective date.
Description: Firearms; modifying allowable possession. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 6, 2020

Title: Firearm preemption; modifying inclusions; allowing certain action and expenses. Effective date.
Description: Firearm preemption; modifying inclusions; allowing certain action and expenses. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 6, 2020

Title: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying certain procedures. Effective date.
Description: Oklahoma Self-Defense Act; modifying certain procedures. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading, direct to Calendar
Last Action Date: May 6, 2020

Title: Transportation of firearms; allowing certain transport; clarifying language. Effective date.
Description: Transportation of firearms; allowing certain transport; clarifying language. Effective date.
Last Action: Second Reading referred to Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 6, 2020