Proposed Texas Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2015 Session2017 Session2019 Session2021 Session2023 Session2025 Session
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note: Texas does not have an even-numbered year session

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 9, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 9, 2015

Title: Relating to municipal regulation of electric stun guns, knives, and personal defense sprays.
Description: Relating to municipal regulation of electric stun guns, knives, and personal defense sprays.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: March 24, 2015

Title: Relating to protection of the right to keep and bear arms within the State of Texas.
Description: Relating to protection of the right to keep and bear arms within the State of Texas.
Last Action: Referred to State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select
Last Action Date: February 12, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns; providing for the open carrying of handguns; removing the requirement that a person who may lawfully possess handguns obtain a Concealed Handgun License in order to carry a handgun lawfully in the state of Texas, and conforming changes.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns; providing for the open carrying of handguns; removing the requirement that a person who may lawfully possess handguns obtain a Concealed Handgun License in order to carry a handgun lawfully in the state of Texas, and conforming changes.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 10, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain persons attending a school board meeting.
Description: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain persons attending a school board meeting.
Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Last Action Date: February 12, 2015

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 7, 2015

Title: Relating to the eligibility of a person for a license to carry a concealed handgun.
Description: Relating to the eligibility of a person for a license to carry a concealed handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 10, 2015

Title: Relating to certain offenses relating to carrying concealed handguns on property owned or leased by a governmental entity; providing a civil penalty.
Description: Relating to certain offenses relating to carrying concealed handguns on property owned or leased by a governmental entity; providing a civil penalty.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 12, 2015

Title: Relating to authorizing certain attorneys representing the state to openly carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to authorizing certain attorneys representing the state to openly carry a handgun.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 13, 2015

Title: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a concealed handgun license.
Description: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 12, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 11, 2015

Title: Relating to the places where a person may carry a handgun if the person is licensed to carry a concealed handgun; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty.
Description: Relating to the places where a person may carry a handgun if the person is licensed to carry a concealed handgun; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 8, 2015

Title: Relating to the application of certain weapons laws to and liability for certain actions of volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a concealed handgun.
Description: Relating to the application of certain weapons laws to and liability for certain actions of volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a concealed handgun.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: May 12, 2015

Title: Relating to protection of the right to keep and bear arms within the State of Texas.
Description: Relating to protection of the right to keep and bear arms within the State of Texas.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: March 19, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2015

Title: Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
Description: Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 9, 2015

Title: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Description: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 11, 2015

Title: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
Description: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: May 11, 2015

Title: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport.
Description: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: June 19, 2015

Title: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport.
Description: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a weapon in or into the secured area of an airport.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 19, 2015

Title: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a firearm on the premises of a polling place.
Description: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of possessing or carrying a firearm on the premises of a polling place.
Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Last Action Date: May 6, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun by the holder of a concealed handgun license on hospital or nursing home premises; authorizing a penalty.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun by the holder of a concealed handgun license on hospital or nursing home premises; authorizing a penalty.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 5, 2015

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for Firearms and Firearm supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for Firearms and Firearm supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 7, 2015

Title: Relating to authorizing a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on certain premises.
Description: Relating to authorizing a license holder to carry a concealed handgun on certain premises.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 14, 2015

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Referred to Finance
Last Action Date: May 15, 2015

Title: Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a concealed handgun for county jailers.
Description: Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a concealed handgun for county jailers.
Last Action: Considered in Local & Consent Calendars
Last Action Date: May 8, 2015

Title: Relating to the regulation of knives by a municipality or county.
Description: Relating to the regulation of knives by a municipality or county.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: June 17, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating criminal offenses.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating criminal offenses.
Last Action: See remarks for effective date
Last Action Date: June 13, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; creating an offense; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; creating an offense; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 25, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Last Action Date: May 7, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry the handgun; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 2, 2015

Title: Relating to defenses and exceptions to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of certain prohibited explosive weapons, firearms, and related items.
Description: Relating to defenses and exceptions to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of certain prohibited explosive weapons, firearms, and related items.
Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Last Action Date: May 8, 2015

Title: Relating to the issuance of a concealed handgun license.
Description: Relating to the issuance of a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 3, 2015

Title: Relating to the duties of certain law enforcement officials under procedures regulating the making or transfer of firearms.
Description: Relating to the duties of certain law enforcement officials under procedures regulating the making or transfer of firearms.
Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Last Action Date: April 23, 2015

Title: Petitioning Congress to instruct the Transportation Security Administration to accept concealed handgun licenses as valid forms of identification.
Description: Petitioning Congress to instruct the Transportation Security Administration to accept concealed handgun licenses as valid forms of identification.
Last Action: Reported enrolled
Last Action Date: May 22, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain license holders on certain locations associated with a public or private school or educational institution.
Description: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain license holders on certain locations associated with a public or private school or educational institution.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 4, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of certain personal protection officers to carry certain weapons.
Description: Relating to the authority of certain personal protection officers to carry certain weapons.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 4, 2015

Title: Relating to the application of certain concealed handgun license laws to community supervision and corrections department officers and juvenile probation officers; reducing a fee.
Description: Relating to the application of certain concealed handgun license laws to community supervision and corrections department officers and juvenile probation officers; reducing a fee.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: June 19, 2015

Title: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful carrying of weapons.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful carrying of weapons.
Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Last Action Date: April 28, 2015

Title: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
Description: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 29, 2015

Title: Relating to the use of deadly force in defense of a person or property.
Description: Relating to the use of deadly force in defense of a person or property.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: March 18, 2015

Title: Relating to the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition in private vehicles on the campuses of institutions of higher education.
Description: Relating to the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition in private vehicles on the campuses of institutions of higher education.
Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Last Action Date: May 11, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a secured handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a secured handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 9, 2015

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Relating to the purchasing of a firearm of an honorably retired or deceased peace officer.
Description: Relating to the purchasing of a firearm of an honorably retired or deceased peace officer.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: June 9, 2015

Title: Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee.
Description: Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 12, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain county officers and employees in a courthouse.
Description: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain county officers and employees in a courthouse.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 13, 2015

Title: Relating to the unlawful seizure of a firearm by a governmental officer or employee; creating an offense.
Description: Relating to the unlawful seizure of a firearm by a governmental officer or employee; creating an offense.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 13, 2015

Title: Relating to prohibiting the Department of Public Safety from responding to bulk requests from the federal government for lists of individuals licensed to carry a concealed handgun.
Description: Relating to prohibiting the Department of Public Safety from responding to bulk requests from the federal government for lists of individuals licensed to carry a concealed handgun.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 13, 2015

Title: Relating to the creation of a task force to conduct a study and develop recommendations to alleviate the incidence of gun violence in this state.
Description: Relating to the creation of a task force to conduct a study and develop recommendations to alleviate the incidence of gun violence in this state.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 17, 2015

Title: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a concealed handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Description: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a concealed handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 7, 2015

Title: Relating to the storage of firearms surrendered by a person subject to a magistrate's order for emergency protection or protective order as a result of family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of persons.
Description: Relating to the storage of firearms surrendered by a person subject to a magistrate's order for emergency protection or protective order as a result of family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of persons.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Last Action Date: March 13, 2015

Title: Relating to conduct that constitutes the offense of displaying a firearm in a public place.
Description: Relating to conduct that constitutes the offense of displaying a firearm in a public place.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 21, 2015

Title: Relating to a concealed handgun license application that is submitted by a peace officer or a member of the state military forces.
Description: Relating to a concealed handgun license application that is submitted by a peace officer or a member of the state military forces.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: May 28, 2015

Title: Relating to a waiver of concealed handgun license renewal fees for qualified handgun instructors.
Description: Relating to a waiver of concealed handgun license renewal fees for qualified handgun instructors.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Relating to the use of a concealed handgun license as valid proof of personal identification.
Description: Relating to the use of a concealed handgun license as valid proof of personal identification.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: June 17, 2015

Title: Relating to prohibiting certain physician questions regarding firearms.
Description: Relating to prohibiting certain physician questions regarding firearms.
Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Relating to reducing certain fees for licensed firearms dealers for a license to carry a concealed handgun.
Description: Relating to reducing certain fees for licensed firearms dealers for a license to carry a concealed handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Relating to restrictive covenants regarding firearms or firearms ammunition.
Description: Relating to restrictive covenants regarding firearms or firearms ammunition.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 12, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns in a courthouse by certain court clerks.
Description: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns in a courthouse by certain court clerks.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 23, 2015

Title: Relating to requirements to vote, including presenting proof of identification; providing criminal penalties.
Description: Relating to requirements to vote, including presenting proof of identification; providing criminal penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Elections
Last Action Date: March 23, 2015

Title: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 910.
Description: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. No. 910.
Last Action: Reported enrolled
Last Action Date: May 30, 2015

Title: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 11.
Description: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 11.
Last Action: Reported enrolled
Last Action Date: June 3, 2015

Title: Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related offenses; providing for a fee.
Description: Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related offenses; providing for a fee.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 18, 2015

Title: Relating to the offense of the carrying of a handgun by a concealed handgun license holder at certain meetings of a governmental entity.
Description: Relating to the offense of the carrying of a handgun by a concealed handgun license holder at certain meetings of a governmental entity.
Last Action: No action taken in committee
Last Action Date: April 21, 2015

Title: Recognizing June 2, 2015, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in Texas.
Description: Recognizing June 2, 2015, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day in Texas.
Last Action: Reported enrolled
Last Action Date: June 2, 2015

Title: Relating to a voluntary contribution to the fund for veterans' assistance when applying for a concealed handgun license.
Description: Relating to a voluntary contribution to the fund for veterans' assistance when applying for a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: June 17, 2015

Title: Relating to the criminal penalty for a person who carries a concealed weapon into a prohibited area; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the criminal penalty for a person who carries a concealed weapon into a prohibited area; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 19, 2015

Title: Relating to the issuance of a concealed handgun license to certain retired judicial officers.
Description: Relating to the issuance of a concealed handgun license to certain retired judicial officers.
Last Action: Effective immediately
Last Action Date: June 16, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a municipality to impose certain requirements for gun show promoters who lease municipal facilities.
Description: Relating to the authority of a municipality to impose certain requirements for gun show promoters who lease municipal facilities.
Last Action: Returned to Calendars Committee
Last Action Date: May 12, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of knives; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to the carrying of knives; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Committee report printed and distributed
Last Action Date: May 23, 2015

Title: Relating to the regulation of firearms, air guns, ammunition, and firearm and air gun supplies; imposing a civil penalty.
Description: Relating to the regulation of firearms, air guns, ammunition, and firearm and air gun supplies; imposing a civil penalty.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: April 21, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education; providing a criminal penalty.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education; providing a criminal penalty.
Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Last Action Date: June 13, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: May 5, 2015

Title: Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons.
Description: Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: January 27, 2015

Title: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a concealed handgun license.
Description: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 26, 2015

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Last Action Date: May 12, 2015

Title: Relating to the unlawful seizure of a firearm by a governmental officer or employee; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the unlawful seizure of a firearm by a governmental officer or employee; providing penalties.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 28, 2015

Title: Relating to creating an offense for the unlawful possession or transfer of a large-capacity magazine.
Description: Relating to creating an offense for the unlawful possession or transfer of a large-capacity magazine.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 28, 2015

Title: Relating to the reporting of a lost or stolen firearm; providing criminal penalties.
Description: Relating to the reporting of a lost or stolen firearm; providing criminal penalties.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 28, 2015

Title: Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows.
Description: Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 28, 2015

Title: Relating to criminal history background checks in connection with firearm transfers; creating offenses.
Description: Relating to criminal history background checks in connection with firearm transfers; creating offenses.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 28, 2015

Title: Relating to certain offenses relating to carrying concealed handguns on property owned or leased by a governmental entity; providing a civil penalty.
Description: Relating to certain offenses relating to carrying concealed handguns on property owned or leased by a governmental entity; providing a civil penalty.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: June 16, 2015

Title: Relating to certain offenses involving the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders and to defenses and exceptions to the prosecution of those offenses.
Description: Relating to certain offenses involving the carrying of concealed handguns by license holders and to defenses and exceptions to the prosecution of those offenses.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: February 2, 2015

Title: Relating to providing for the open and concealed carrying of handguns without a license and to related offenses and penalties.
Description: Relating to providing for the open and concealed carrying of handguns without a license and to related offenses and penalties.
Last Action: Co-author authorized
Last Action Date: February 9, 2015

Title: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Description: Relating to the authority of a person who is licensed to carry a handgun to openly carry a holstered handgun; creating a criminal offense; providing penalties.
Last Action: Co-author authorized
Last Action Date: February 9, 2015

Title: Relating to prohibiting public funds from being used to enforce certain federal or international laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Description: Relating to prohibiting public funds from being used to enforce certain federal or international laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Last Action: Co-author authorized
Last Action Date: February 10, 2015

Title: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful carrying of weapons.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful carrying of weapons.
Last Action: Co-author authorized
Last Action Date: February 10, 2015

Title: Relating to defenses and exceptions to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of certain prohibited explosive weapons, firearms, and related items.
Description: Relating to defenses and exceptions to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of certain prohibited explosive weapons, firearms, and related items.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Last Action Date: May 22, 2015

Title: Relating to the duties of certain law enforcement officials under procedures regulating the making or transfer of firearms.
Description: Relating to the duties of certain law enforcement officials under procedures regulating the making or transfer of firearms.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 7, 2015

Title: Relating to physician inquiries regarding firearm ownership.
Description: Relating to physician inquiries regarding firearm ownership.
Last Action: Referred to Health & Human Services
Last Action Date: February 23, 2015

Title: Relating to the issuance of a concealed handgun license.
Description: Relating to the issuance of a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 2, 2015

Title: Relating to a permit to show that a person has passed a background check to possess a firearm; authorizing fees.
Description: Relating to a permit to show that a person has passed a background check to possess a firearm; authorizing fees.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 2, 2015

Title: Relating to gun violence restraining orders and gun seizure warrants; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to gun violence restraining orders and gun seizure warrants; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 10, 2015

Title: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. 910.
Description: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. 910.
Last Action: Reported enrolled
Last Action Date: May 29, 2015

Title: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. 11.
Description: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. 11.
Last Action: Reported enrolled
Last Action Date: May 30, 2015

Title: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain license holders on certain locations associated with a public or private school or educational institution.
Description: Relating to the carrying of concealed handguns by certain license holders on certain locations associated with a public or private school or educational institution.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conforming codifications enacted by the 83rd Legislature to other Acts of that legislature.
Description: Relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conforming codifications enacted by the 83rd Legislature to other Acts of that legislature.
Last Action: See remarks for effective date
Last Action Date: June 19, 2015

Title: Relating to the application of certain concealed handgun license laws to the attorney general, to assistant attorneys general, and to federal prosecutors, judges, and justices, and to the authority of those individuals to carry certain weapons.
Description: Relating to the application of certain concealed handgun license laws to the attorney general, to assistant attorneys general, and to federal prosecutors, judges, and justices, and to the authority of those individuals to carry certain weapons.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 18, 2015

Title: Relating to a concealed handgun license application that is submitted by a peace officer or a member of the state military forces.
Description: Relating to a concealed handgun license application that is submitted by a peace officer or a member of the state military forces.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 18, 2015

Title: Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a concealed handgun for county jailers.
Description: Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a concealed handgun for county jailers.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 8, 2015

Title: Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related criminal offenses; providing for a fee.
Description: Relating to authorizing certain first responders to carry a concealed handgun while on duty and to the prosecution of certain related criminal offenses; providing for a fee.
Last Action: Not again placed on intent calendar
Last Action Date: May 26, 2015

Title: Relating to the disposition of a firearm seized from certain persons with mental illness.
Description: Relating to the disposition of a firearm seized from certain persons with mental illness.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 24, 2015