Proposed Texas Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2015 Session2017 Session2019 Session2021 Session2023 Session2025 Session
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note: Texas does not have an even-numbered year session

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of state hospitals; providing a civil penalty.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of state hospitals; providing a civil penalty.
Last Action: Not again placed on intent calendar
Last Action Date: May 24, 2017

Title: Designating the 1847 Colt Walker pistol as the official state handgun of Texas.
Description: Designating the 1847 Colt Walker pistol as the official state handgun of Texas.
Last Action: Referred to Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Last Action Date: March 7, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties.
Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Last Action Date: May 3, 2017

Title: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Referred to State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select
Last Action Date: March 1, 2017

Title: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Description: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Last Action: Referred to State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select
Last Action Date: March 1, 2017

Title: Relating to an educational program and fee reductions to improve firearm safety.
Description: Relating to an educational program and fee reductions to improve firearm safety.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 13, 2017

Title: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Description: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Last Action Date: July 20, 2017

Title: Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
Description: Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Last Action Date: April 28, 2017

Title: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
Description: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
Last Action: Motion to reconsider spread on the Journal
Last Action Date: April 20, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport.
Description: Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: July 20, 2017

Title: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Description: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 14, 2017

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Last Action Date: July 20, 2017

Title: Relating to wrongful exclusion of handgun license holders from property owned by or leased to a governmental entity and to certain offenses relating to the carrying of handguns on that property.
Description: Relating to wrongful exclusion of handgun license holders from property owned by or leased to a governmental entity and to certain offenses relating to the carrying of handguns on that property.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 18, 2017

Title: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on the property.
Description: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on the property.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 13, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities.
Description: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises or property of certain recreational facilities.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 18, 2017

Title: Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee.
Description: Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows; authorizing a fee.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 13, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 13, 2017

Title: Relating to limiting the locations in which a license holder may openly carry a handgun; restricting an exception to a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to limiting the locations in which a license holder may openly carry a handgun; restricting an exception to a criminal offense.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 13, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of a firearm by a person who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing the firearm and to criminal offenses otherwise related to the carrying of a firearm; creating criminal offenses.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a firearm by a person who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing the firearm and to criminal offenses otherwise related to the carrying of a firearm; creating criminal offenses.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: July 25, 2017

Title: Relating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Last Action Date: May 2, 2017

Title: Relating to the creation of the offense of indecent assault, to judicial protection for victims of that offense, and to certain criminal acts committed in relation to that offense.
Description: Relating to the creation of the offense of indecent assault, to judicial protection for victims of that offense, and to certain criminal acts committed in relation to that offense.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: July 26, 2017

Title: Relating to authorizing the provision of temporary secure storage for weapons at certain public buildings; authorizing fees.
Description: Relating to authorizing the provision of temporary secure storage for weapons at certain public buildings; authorizing fees.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: July 28, 2017

Title: Relating to the removal of a fee for the issuance of an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the removal of a fee for the issuance of an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of concealed or holstered handguns by certain handgun license holders attending a meeting of the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of an open-enrollment charter school.
Description: Relating to the carrying of concealed or holstered handguns by certain handgun license holders attending a meeting of the board of trustees of a school district or the governing body of an open-enrollment charter school.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 27, 2017

Title: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to providing for the carrying of handguns without a license and to related offenses and penalties.
Description: Relating to providing for the carrying of handguns without a license and to related offenses and penalties.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: March 28, 2017

Title: Relating to the prosecution of certain criminal offenses involving disabling, damaging, or destroying an unmanned aircraft.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of certain criminal offenses involving disabling, damaging, or destroying an unmanned aircraft.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Last Action Date: August 3, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibiting the reckless discharge of a firearm; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to prohibiting the reckless discharge of a firearm; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: August 9, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns on the campuses of and certain other locations associated with institutions of higher education.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to certain offenses involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain hospitals, mental health facilities, and nursing facilities.
Description: Relating to certain offenses involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain hospitals, mental health facilities, and nursing facilities.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of weapons, including the application of certain weapons and handgun license laws to certain persons, the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of a state hospital, and the liability for certain actions of volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a handgun; providing a civil penalty.
Description: Relating to the carrying of weapons, including the application of certain weapons and handgun license laws to certain persons, the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of a state hospital, and the liability for certain actions of volunteer emergency services personnel licensed to carry a handgun; providing a civil penalty.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Last Action Date: June 15, 2017

Title: Relating to the civil liability of certain businesses in connection with allowing or forbidding handguns on the business premises.
Description: Relating to the civil liability of certain businesses in connection with allowing or forbidding handguns on the business premises.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: March 28, 2017

Title: Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses involving the carrying of weapons at amusement parks or locations associated with schools or educational institutions.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses involving the carrying of weapons at amusement parks or locations associated with schools or educational institutions.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to limiting the locations in which a license holder may openly carry a handgun; restricting an exception to a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to limiting the locations in which a license holder may openly carry a handgun; restricting an exception to a criminal offense.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Last Action Date: February 16, 2017

Title: Relating to the liability of a business that allows handguns to be carried on the business's premises.
Description: Relating to the liability of a business that allows handguns to be carried on the business's premises.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: March 28, 2017

Title: Relating to the authority of certain personal protection officers to carry certain weapons.
Description: Relating to the authority of certain personal protection officers to carry certain weapons.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 1, 2017

Title: Relating to the civil liability of certain persons in connection with allowing or forbidding handguns on the premises of a business or apartment complex.
Description: Relating to the civil liability of certain persons in connection with allowing or forbidding handguns on the premises of a business or apartment complex.
Last Action: No action taken in committee
Last Action Date: March 28, 2017

Title: Relating to the places where a person may carry a handgun if the person is licensed to carry a handgun and to certain related criminal offenses.
Description: Relating to the places where a person may carry a handgun if the person is licensed to carry a handgun and to certain related criminal offenses.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 20, 2017

Title: Relating to the liability of a person who allows handguns to be carried on property owned, leased, or managed by the person.
Description: Relating to the liability of a person who allows handguns to be carried on property owned, leased, or managed by the person.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 2, 2017

Title: Relating to requirements for certain applicants to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Description: Relating to requirements for certain applicants to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 1, 2017

Title: Relating to a public awareness campaign on firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Description: Relating to a public awareness campaign on firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 4, 2017

Title: Relating to the issuance of a handgun license.
Description: Relating to the issuance of a handgun license.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 20, 2017

Title: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 20, 2017

Title: Relating to lethal violence protective orders; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to lethal violence protective orders; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: March 20, 2017

Title: Relating to school marshals.
Description: Relating to school marshals.
Last Action: Effective immediately
Last Action Date: June 15, 2017

Title: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Description: Relating to the notice given by a property owner prohibiting a handgun license holder from carrying a handgun on certain property.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 11, 2017

Title: Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of certain prohibited explosive weapons.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of certain prohibited explosive weapons.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Last Action Date: June 15, 2017

Title: Relating to the regulation of firearms, air guns, knives, ammunition, and firearm and air gun supplies; imposing a civil penalty.
Description: Relating to the regulation of firearms, air guns, knives, ammunition, and firearm and air gun supplies; imposing a civil penalty.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 21, 2017

Title: Relating to the appointment of school marshals by public schools and the ammunition approved for use by a school marshal serving a public school or a public junior college.
Description: Relating to the appointment of school marshals by public schools and the ammunition approved for use by a school marshal serving a public school or a public junior college.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 1, 2017

Title: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 25, 2017

Title: Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a handgun for county jailers.
Description: Relating to reducing certain fees for a license to carry a handgun for county jailers.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 1, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns by and an exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain persons who provide security services on a volunteer basis at an established place of religious worship.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns by and an exemption from application of the Private Security Act of certain persons who provide security services on a volunteer basis at an established place of religious worship.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 4, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by a first responder engaged in the actual discharge of the first responder's duties.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 27, 2017

Title: Relating to the removal of a fee for the issuance of an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the removal of a fee for the issuance of an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 6, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of state hospitals and state supported living centers.
Description: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of state hospitals and state supported living centers.
Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Last Action Date: February 21, 2017

Title: Relating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder.
Description: Relating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 22, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Description: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 25, 2017

Title: Relating to the establishment of school marshal grant programs by the criminal justice division of the governor's office and the adoption of a school marshals promotion program.
Description: Relating to the establishment of school marshal grant programs by the criminal justice division of the governor's office and the adoption of a school marshals promotion program.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 4, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying or storage of a handgun by a firefighter at the fire station to which the firefighter is assigned.
Description: Relating to the carrying or storage of a handgun by a firefighter at the fire station to which the firefighter is assigned.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: February 27, 2017

Title: Relating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state.
Description: Relating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state.
Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Last Action Date: March 29, 2017

Title: Relating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school.
Description: Relating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 5, 2017

Title: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Description: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Last Action Date: May 26, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibiting carrying a firearm while intoxicated; creating an offense.
Description: Relating to prohibiting carrying a firearm while intoxicated; creating an offense.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 9, 2017

Title: Relating to granting authority to carry a firearm to certain unlicensed persons and to related regulatory provisions and criminal offenses.
Description: Relating to granting authority to carry a firearm to certain unlicensed persons and to related regulatory provisions and criminal offenses.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: April 26, 2017

Title: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or educational institutions.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or educational institutions.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 13, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of certain knives; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to the carrying of certain knives; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Last Action Date: June 15, 2017

Title: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Description: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Last Action Date: March 13, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of a condominium or multifamily residential rental property.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of a condominium or multifamily residential rental property.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: April 24, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of concealed or holstered handguns in a courthouse by certain court clerks licensed to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the carrying of concealed or holstered handguns in a courthouse by certain court clerks licensed to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 25, 2017

Title: Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with certain firearm sales; creating an offense.
Description: Relating to requiring a national instant criminal background check in connection with certain firearm sales; creating an offense.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 25, 2017

Title: Relating to the requirements for certain applicants to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving fees.
Description: Relating to the requirements for certain applicants to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving fees.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 16, 2017

Title: Relating to expedited processing of certain applications for a license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Description: Relating to expedited processing of certain applications for a license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 11, 2017

Title: Relating to the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition in private vehicles on the campuses of institutions of higher education.
Description: Relating to the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition in private vehicles on the campuses of institutions of higher education.
Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Last Action Date: March 14, 2017

Title: Relating to requirements for certain applicants to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving certain fees.
Description: Relating to requirements for certain applicants to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving certain fees.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 20, 2017

Title: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Description: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 18, 2017

Title: Relating to the unlawful possession of a firearm by persons who are subject to certain judicial determinations; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to the unlawful possession of a firearm by persons who are subject to certain judicial determinations; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 23, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibiting the reckless discharge of a firearm; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to prohibiting the reckless discharge of a firearm; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Last Action Date: May 10, 2017

Title: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful transfer of a firearm.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful transfer of a firearm.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 1, 2017

Title: Relating to a firearm buyback program administered by certain local law enforcement agencies.
Description: Relating to a firearm buyback program administered by certain local law enforcement agencies.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 28, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel; providing for a fee.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel; providing for a fee.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 18, 2017

Title: Relating to requirements for peace officers to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Description: Relating to requirements for peace officers to obtain an original, duplicate, modified, or renewed license to carry a handgun; waiving a fee.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 27, 2017

Title: Relating to authorizing the provision of temporary secure storage for weapons at certain public buildings; authorizing fees.
Description: Relating to authorizing the provision of temporary secure storage for weapons at certain public buildings; authorizing fees.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 4, 2017

Title: Relating to temporary secure storage of weapons at public buildings; authorizing a fee.
Description: Relating to temporary secure storage of weapons at public buildings; authorizing a fee.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 27, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport.
Description: Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 1, 2017

Title: Relating to eligibility for and the revocation of a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to eligibility for and the revocation of a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 30, 2017

Title: Relating to the provision of information regarding firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Description: Relating to the provision of information regarding firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 25, 2017

Title: Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 18, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibited requests for or disclosures of information regarding certain child-care facility license holders' ownership, possession, use, or storage of a firearm or other weapon; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to prohibited requests for or disclosures of information regarding certain child-care facility license holders' ownership, possession, use, or storage of a firearm or other weapon; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Referred to Human Services
Last Action Date: March 30, 2017

Title: Relating to certain applications to obtain a license to carry a handgun and to the associated handgun proficiency course.
Description: Relating to certain applications to obtain a license to carry a handgun and to the associated handgun proficiency course.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Last Action Date: June 15, 2017

Title: Relating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: March 30, 2017

Title: Relating to the places where an active judicial officer may carry a handgun if the officer is licensed to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the places where an active judicial officer may carry a handgun if the officer is licensed to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 1, 2017

Title: Relating to the locations where a person may openly carry a holstered handgun.
Description: Relating to the locations where a person may openly carry a holstered handgun.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 18, 2017

Title: Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty.
Description: Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: April 3, 2017

Title: Relating to the acquisition or attempted acquisition of a firearm by a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.
Description: Relating to the acquisition or attempted acquisition of a firearm by a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.
Last Action: Left pending in committee
Last Action Date: April 18, 2017

Title: Designating the cannon as the official state gun of Texas.
Description: Designating the cannon as the official state gun of Texas.
Last Action: Filed
Last Action Date: January 11, 2017

Title: Relating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Last Action Date: May 26, 2017

Title: Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from adopting or enforcing a law, ordinance, order, or other regulation requiring the registration of a firearm.
Description: Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from adopting or enforcing a law, ordinance, order, or other regulation requiring the registration of a firearm.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017

Title: Relating to the liability of a property owner who allows handguns to be carried on the owner's property.
Description: Relating to the liability of a property owner who allows handguns to be carried on the owner's property.
Last Action: Co-author authorized
Last Action Date: January 30, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibiting public funds from being used to enforce certain federal or international laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Description: Relating to prohibiting public funds from being used to enforce certain federal or international laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 24, 2017

Title: Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
Description: Relating to exempting the intrastate manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition from federal regulation.
Last Action: Filed
Last Action Date: July 21, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibiting certain physician questions regarding firearms.
Description: Relating to prohibiting certain physician questions regarding firearms.
Last Action: Referred to Health & Human Services
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Description: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period.
Last Action: Referred to Finance
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 8, 2017

Title: Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty.
Description: Relating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain mental health facilities.
Description: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain mental health facilities.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Description: Relating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: January 25, 2017

Title: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Last Action Date: June 9, 2017

Title: Relating to an application made by a peace officer, county jailer, or state correctional officer to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to an application made by a peace officer, county jailer, or state correctional officer to obtain a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 19, 2017

Title: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Description: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 19, 2017

Title: Relating to the seizure of property by a peace officer.
Description: Relating to the seizure of property by a peace officer.
Last Action: Co-author authorized
Last Action Date: February 13, 2017

Title: Relating to lethal violence protective orders; creating a criminal offense.
Description: Relating to lethal violence protective orders; creating a criminal offense.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: February 6, 2017

Title: Relating to school marshals for private schools.
Description: Relating to school marshals for private schools.
Last Action: Not again placed on intent calendar
Last Action Date: May 15, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of certain businesses.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of certain businesses.
Last Action: Referred to Business & Commerce
Last Action Date: February 6, 2017

Title: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition.
Description: Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: February 6, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense of carrying a handgun while intoxicated.
Description: Relating to the offense of carrying a handgun while intoxicated.
Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: February 6, 2017

Title: Relating to the regulation or taxation of firearms, air guns, knives, or ammunition by a municipality or county.
Description: Relating to the regulation or taxation of firearms, air guns, knives, or ammunition by a municipality or county.
Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Last Action Date: May 16, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of state hospitals.
Description: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of state hospitals.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: February 8, 2017

Title: Relating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder.
Description: Relating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: February 8, 2017

Title: Relating to the liability of certain property owners who allow handguns to be carried on certain property.
Description: Relating to the liability of certain property owners who allow handguns to be carried on certain property.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: February 13, 2017

Title: Relating to the appointment of school marshals by public schools and the ammunition approved for use by a school marshal serving a public school or a public junior college.
Description: Relating to the appointment of school marshals by public schools and the ammunition approved for use by a school marshal serving a public school or a public junior college.
Last Action: Referred to Education
Last Action Date: February 22, 2017

Title: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Description: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: February 27, 2017

Title: Observing National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 2, 2017.
Description: Observing National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 2, 2017.
Last Action: Reported enrolled
Last Action Date: May 23, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of state hospitals; providing a civil penalty.
Description: Relating to the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of state hospitals; providing a civil penalty.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 7, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain recreation centers.
Description: Relating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain recreation centers.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 9, 2017

Title: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel.
Description: Relating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 19, 2017

Title: Relating to the liability of a sport shooting range.
Description: Relating to the liability of a sport shooting range.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 20, 2017

Title: Relating to restricting employers from prohibiting certain employees from carrying, transporting, storing, or using handguns or ammunition.
Description: Relating to restricting employers from prohibiting certain employees from carrying, transporting, storing, or using handguns or ammunition.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 20, 2017

Title: Relating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 22, 2017

Title: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Description: Relating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 22, 2017

Title: Relating to the liability of a person who allows handguns to be carried on property owned, controlled, or managed by the person.
Description: Relating to the liability of a person who allows handguns to be carried on property owned, controlled, or managed by the person.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 17, 2017

Title: Relating to the provision of information regarding firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Description: Relating to the provision of information regarding firearm safety and suicide prevention.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 23, 2017

Title: Relating to the application of certain handgun license laws to certain federal and state attorneys and to the authority of those attorneys to carry certain weapons.
Description: Relating to the application of certain handgun license laws to certain federal and state attorneys and to the authority of those attorneys to carry certain weapons.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 19, 2017

Title: Relating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school.
Description: Relating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 18, 2017

Title: Relating to restrictive covenants regarding firearms or firearms ammunition.
Description: Relating to restrictive covenants regarding firearms or firearms ammunition.
Last Action: Reported favorably w/o amendment(s)
Last Action Date: May 19, 2017

Title: Relating to firearm safety awareness; decreasing the application and license fee for a license to carry a handgun.
Description: Relating to firearm safety awareness; decreasing the application and license fee for a license to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Last Action Date: March 27, 2017

Title: Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport.
Description: Relating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport.
Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Last Action Date: May 10, 2017