Proposed Wyoming Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Wyoming does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Concealed weapons-military family applicants.
Description: AN ACT relating to concealed weapons; providing a procedure for military spouses of persons in active military service to apply for a concealed weapons permit as specified; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Chapter No. 114 Session Laws of Wyoming 2017
Last Action Date: March 6, 2017

Title: Campus carry.
Description: AN ACT relating to weapons; removing restrictions; repealing gun free zones on any public college or university campus as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: COW:Failed 13-17-0-0-0
Last Action Date: February 23, 2017

Title: Wyoming Repeal Gun Free Zones Act.
Description: AN ACT relating to weapons; removing restrictions; repealing gun free zones in government meetings as specified; providing for the carrying of concealed weapons as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Governor Vetoed HEA No. 0107
Last Action Date: March 14, 2017

Title: Handgun purchases.
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; providing for a waiting period for the purchase of a handgun; providing exemptions; providing definitions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: H:DO PASS FAILED in Accordance with House Rule 5-4: 1-8-0-
Last Action Date: February 3, 2017

Title: Prohibited firearms-business and commercial establishments.
Description: AN ACT relating to trade and commerce; imposing responsibility on persons who prevent the legal carrying of firearms on a commercial or business premises as specified; providing a cause of action for individuals injured or damaged as a result of being prevented from carrying a firearm on a commercial or business premises as specified; providing for the recovery of reasonable costs and attorney's fees; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did Not Consider for Introduction
Last Action Date: February 3, 2017

Title: School safety and security.
Description: AN ACT relating to school safety and security; allowing possession of firearms by school district employees on school property; providing rulemaking authority to school districts; specifying confidentiality of records; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Chapter No. 209 Session Laws of Wyoming 2017
Last Action Date: March 16, 2017

Title: Concealed weapons permit issuance.
Description: AN ACT relating to concealed weapons; modifying provisions related to the issuance of a concealed weapon permit; amending provision regarding effect of denial of a permit; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
Last Action Date: February 28, 2017

Title: Firearm possession-allow felons antique firearms.
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; allowing those having previously pled guilty or been convicted of a felony to possess antique firearms; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Chapter No. 185 Session Laws of Wyoming 2017
Last Action Date: March 10, 2017

Title: Firearm possession and purchases.
Description: AN ACT relating to firearms; prohibiting the purchase and possession of firearms by a person on the terrorist watch list as specified; modifying concealed weapon permit eligibility; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did Not Consider for Introduction
Last Action Date: February 3, 2017