Proposed Wyoming Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Wyoming does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: School safety and security amendments.
Description: AN ACT relating to education; requiring board of trustees to submit a written statement explaining the reasons the board did not adopt rules to allow possession of firearms by school district employees as specified; authorizing funds to be expended for a statewide marketing campaign to promote the school districts' authority to allow possession of firearms by school district employees as provided by law; providing an appropriation; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Failed Introduction 35-26-1-0-0
Last Action Date: February 14, 2024

Title: Carrying of concealed weapons-age requirement.
Description: AN ACT relating to concealed weapons; amending the age requirement for a qualified person to be issued a permit to carry a concealed firearm; making a conforming amendment; repealing a conflicting provision; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did not Consider for Introduction
Last Action Date: February 16, 2024

Title: Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments.
Description: AN ACT relating to concealed weapons; repealing gun free zones; providing for the carrying of concealed weapons as specified; creating a criminal offense for prohibiting entry to a person carrying a concealed weapon as specified; clarifying that only the state legislature may regulate firearms, weapons and ammunition; providing for exceptions; amending a definition; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Governor Vetoed HEA No. 0049
Last Action Date: March 25, 2024

Title: Firearms merchant category code-prohibition.
Description: AN ACT relating to consumer protection; prohibiting records and discrimination based on a firearms code as specified; providing definitions; providing for enforcement; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Failed Introduction 37-24-1-0-0
Last Action Date: February 15, 2024

Title: Protect Firearms Rights Act.
Description: AN ACT relating to the protection of constitutional rights; declaring legislative authority; prohibiting the implementation or enforcement of an extreme risk protection order; preempting local law; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did not Consider for Introduction
Last Action Date: February 16, 2024

Title: Restoration of civil rights-amendments.
Description: AN ACT relating to crimes and criminal procedure; amending requirements for the restoration of rights as specified; repealing a misdemeanor offense of possession of a firearm by a nonviolent felon; removing the loss of firearms rights by convicted felons under state law; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did not Consider for Introduction
Last Action Date: February 16, 2024

Title: Firearm purchase protections.
Description: AN ACT relating to trade and commerce; prohibiting the categorization of firearms and ammunition merchants separately from general merchandise or sporting goods retailers as specified; creating a penalty; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Did not Consider for Introduction
Last Action Date: February 16, 2024

Title: Concealed firearms-permit eligibility.
Description: AN ACT relating to weapons; amending the eligibility requirements for a person to receive a permit to carry a concealed firearm as specified; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Assigned Chapter Number 114
Last Action Date: March 22, 2024

Title: Wyoming Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act.
Description: AN ACT relating to the administration of government; prohibiting disclosure or use of protected information relating to firearms and ammunition sales as specified; providing exceptions; providing requirements for disclosure; authorizing civil actions; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Assigned Chapter Number 115
Last Action Date: March 22, 2024

Title: Prohibit Red Flag Gun Seizure Act.
Description: AN ACT relating to the protection of constitutional rights; prohibiting the implementation or enforcement of a red flag gun seizure; preempting local law; providing definitions; providing for a civil action; providing a penalty; waiving sovereign immunity; authorizing attorney's fees; authorizing the attorney general to initiate a civil action; and providing for an effective date.
Last Action: Assigned Chapter Number 116
Last Action Date: March 22, 2024