Proposed Ohio Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
Filter: Click on bill number for details. jump to upper chamber
note: Ohio carries over legislation from odd-numbered years to even numbered years without exception

Title: To authorize off-duty peace officers to possess deadly weapons or dangerous ordnance in a school safety zone, to authorize a board of education or governing body of any school to designate employees who may carry concealed handguns in a school safety zone, to generally prohibit the disclosure of the names of the designated employees, to exclude from collective bargaining the development and implementation of a protocol to designate the employees, and to generally provide immunity from civil liability to a board of education or governing authority of any school and to a designated employee of any such school for injury, death, or loss arising from the employee's possession or use of a handgun in a school safety zone.
Description: To amend sections 109.78, 121.22, 149.433, 2923.122, 3313.536, and 4117.08 and to enact sections 3313.94, 3314.43, and 3326.28 of the Revised Code to authorize off-duty peace officers to possess deadly weapons or dangerous ordnance in a school safety zone, to authorize a board of education or governing body of any school to designate employees who may carry concealed handguns in a school safety zone, to generally prohibit the disclosure of the names of the designated employees, to exclude from collective bargaining the development and implementation of a protocol to designate the employees, and to generally provide immunity from civil liability to a board of education or governing authority of any school and to a designated employee of any such school for injury, death, or loss arising from the employee's possession or use of a handgun in a school safety zone.
Last Action: To Civil Justice
Last Action Date: January 23, 2014

Title: To establish initial education programs and continuing education requirements for the fiscal officers of townships and municipal corporations, to establish procedures for removing those officers, county treasurers, and county auditors from office, to create fiscal accountability requirements for counties, townships, municipal corporations, and public schools, to revise the procedure for appointing an interim replacement official to perform the duties of a suspended elected county official, to authorize the board of county commissioners to appoint an acting officer to perform such suspended official's duties before an interim replacement official is appointed to reduce the required number of Board of Deposit meetings, to provide procedures to request additional meetings, and to require web site postings of specified Board of Deposit notices, to modify the continuing education requirements for qualified mass appraisal project managers, and to correct provisions recently enacted by S.B. 3 of the 130th General Assembly.
Description: To amend sections 3.16, 101.35, 103.0511, 106.02, 106.022, 106.023, 106.031, 106.05, 119.03, 121.83, 135.02, 305.03, 319.04, 319.26, 321.37, 321.46, 507.02, 2921.13, 2921.44, 3314.023, 5101.09, and 5713.012; to enact sections 117.45, 507.12, 507.13, 733.78, 733.81, 3313.30, 3314.50, 3326.211, 3328.16, and 3328.37; and to repeal sections 319.25 and 321.38 of the Revised Code; to amend Section 267.50.70 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly; and to amend Section 267.50.70 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly for the purpose of codifying it as section 3314.51 of the Revised Code to establish initial education programs and continuing education requirements for the fiscal officers of townships and municipal corporations, to establish procedures for removing those officers, county treasurers, and county auditors from office, to create fiscal accountability requirements for counties, townships, municipal corporations, and public schools, to revise the procedure for appointing an interim replacement official to perform the duties of a suspended elected county official, to authorize the board of county commissioners to appoint an acting officer to perform such suspended official's duties before an interim replacement official is appointed to reduce the required number of Board of Deposit meetings, to provide procedures to request additional meetings, and to require web site postings of specified Board of Deposit notices, to modify the continuing education requirements for qualified mass appraisal project managers, and to correct provisions recently enacted by S.B. 3 of the 130th General Assembly.
Last Action: Governor' Action
Last Action Date: December 19, 2014

Title: To prohibit any person from storing or leaving a firearm in the person's residence unless the firearm is secured in safe storage or rendered inoperable by a tamper-resistant lock or other safety device if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm and to provide criminal penalties if a minor gains unauthorized access to a firearm not so stored or rendered inoperable.
Description: To enact section 2923.191 of the Revised Code to prohibit any person from storing or leaving a firearm in the person's residence unless the firearm is secured in safe storage or rendered inoperable by a tamper-resistant lock or other safety device if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm and to provide criminal penalties if a minor gains unauthorized access to a firearm not so stored or rendered inoperable.
Last Action: To State and Local Government
Last Action Date: February 5, 2013

Title: To prohibit any agency and its employees and agents from seizing or authorizing the seizure of any firearm from any person lawfully in possession or control of the firearm except when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes the immediate seizure of the firearm is necessary for the safety of the officer or another person or to preserve the firearm as evidence, to prohibit the establishment of a firearm registry, and to prohibit law enforcement officers and international agents from enforcing a firearms registration requirement or firearm ban.
Description: To enact sections 5502.23 and 5502.231 of the Revised Code to prohibit any agency and its employees and agents from seizing or authorizing the seizure of any firearm from any person lawfully in possession or control of the firearm except when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes the immediate seizure of the firearm is necessary for the safety of the officer or another person or to preserve the firearm as evidence, to prohibit the establishment of a firearm registry, and to prohibit law enforcement officers and international agents from enforcing a firearms registration requirement or firearm ban.
Last Action: To State and Local Government
Last Action Date: March 12, 2013

Title: To make changes to the laws governing the civil commitment of and treatment provided to mentally ill persons.
Description: To amend sections 2101.16, 2151.011, 2151.23, 2923.125, 2923.1213, 2923.13, 2945.37, 2945.38, 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, 2967.22, 5119.311, 5120.17, 5122.01, 5122.03, 5122.05, 5122.10, 5122.11, 5122.13, 5122.141, 5122.15, 5122.19, 5122.21, 5122.27, 5122.30, 5122.31, 5122.311, 5139.54, 5305.22, 5907.06, and 5907.09 and to enact section 5122.111 of the Revised Code to make changes to the laws governing the civil commitment of and treatment provided to mentally ill persons.
Last Action: To Civil Justice
Last Action Date: December 12, 2013

Title: To prohibit any transfer of a firearm from a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer to a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer unless the firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer, through a state or local law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception; to require that background checks be conducted when a firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer or through a state or local law enforcement agency; and to provide for recordkeeping with respect to information obtained pursuant to such a background check.
Description: To enact section 2923.26 of the Revised Code to prohibit any transfer of a firearm from a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer to a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer unless the firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer, through a state or local law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception; to require that background checks be conducted when a firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer or through a state or local law enforcement agency; and to provide for recordkeeping with respect to information obtained pursuant to such a background check.
Last Action: To State and Local Government
Last Action Date: April 18, 2013

Title: To require a person who is subject to a civil or criminal domestic violence temporary protection order to surrender all firearms in the person's immediate possession or control to a law enforcement agency or to a federally licensed firearms dealer.
Description: To amend sections 2919.26 and 3113.31 and to enact sections 2919.261 and 3113.311 of the Revised Code to require a person who is subject to a civil or criminal domestic violence temporary protection order to surrender all firearms in the person's immediate possession or control to a law enforcement agency or to a federally licensed firearms dealer.
Last Action: To Judiciary
Last Action Date: May 8, 2013

Title: To require an applicant for a hunting license to specify whether the applicant has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony and to require the license to specify "firearm restricted" if an applicant has so indicated.
Description: To amend section 1533.13 of the Revised Code to require an applicant for a hunting license to specify whether the applicant has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony and to require the license to specify "firearm restricted" if an applicant has so indicated.
Last Action: To Agriculture and Natural Resources
Last Action Date: June 4, 2013

Title: To generally remove from the definition of "automatic firearm" in the Weapons Control Law a semi-automatic firearm designed or specifically adapted to fire more than 31 cartridges without reloading.
Description: To amend section 2923.11 of the Revised Code to generally remove from the definition of "automatic firearm" in the Weapons Control Law a semi-automatic firearm designed or specifically adapted to fire more than 31 cartridges without reloading.
Last Action: To Transportation, Public Safety and Homeland Security
Last Action Date: June 4, 2013

Title: To modify concealed handgun law; to permit investigators employed by the Attorney General to investigate Medicaid fraud to go armed in the same manner as sheriffs and regularly appointed police officers; to expand the locations at which a person has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense; and to provide that the exercise of a constitutional or statutory right is not, in itself, the offense of disorderly conduct or inducing panic and does not constitute reasonable, articulable suspicion of criminal activity.
Description: To amend sections 9.68, 109.69, 109.731, 109.85, 109.86, 311.41, 311.42, 2901.09, 2917.11, 2917.31, 2923.11, 2923.125, 2923.1213, 2923.13, and 2923.14 and to repeal sections 2923.1210 and 2923.22 of the Revised Code to modify concealed handgun law; to permit investigators employed by the Attorney General to investigate Medicaid fraud to go armed in the same manner as sheriffs and regularly appointed police officers; to expand the locations at which a person has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense; and to provide that the exercise of a constitutional or statutory right is not, in itself, the offense of disorderly conduct or inducing panic and does not constitute reasonable, articulable suspicion of criminal activity.
Last Action: To Civil Justice
Last Action Date: November 21, 2013

Title: To require the sale to a federally licensed firearms dealer of all unclaimed or forfeited firearms and dangerous ordnance in the possession of a law enforcement agency that are legal for persons to possess, that are not used by an agency for police work, and that are not otherwise sold for sporting use or as a museum piece or collectors' item.
Description: To amend sections 2981.01, 2981.12, and 2981.13 of the Revised Code to require the sale to a federally licensed firearms dealer of all unclaimed or forfeited firearms and dangerous ordnance in the possession of a law enforcement agency that are legal for persons to possess, that are not used by an agency for police work, and that are not otherwise sold for sporting use or as a museum piece or collectors' item.
Last Action: To Transportation, Public Safety and Homeland Security
Last Action Date: June 18, 2013

Title: To authorize a board of education or governing authority of a school to enter into an agreement with a volunteer who is a current or retired law enforcement officer to patrol school premises to prevent or respond to a mass casualty event, to generally provide to a board of education or governing authority of a school and to such a volunteer immunity from civil liability for injury, death, or loss arising from the volunteer's services, and to provide a tax credit for volunteer service.
Description: To amend sections 5747.08 and 5747.98 and to enact sections 3313.94 and 5747.64 of the Revised Code to authorize a board of education or governing authority of a school to enter into an agreement with a volunteer who is a current or retired law enforcement officer to patrol school premises to prevent or respond to a mass casualty event, to generally provide to a board of education or governing authority of a school and to such a volunteer immunity from civil liability for injury, death, or loss arising from the volunteer's services, and to provide a tax credit for volunteer service.
Last Action: To Finance
Last Action Date: December 5, 2013

Title: To require the department of health to conduct a study to determine and describe the types of bodily injuries that can be incurred by the user of a firearm and by others in proximity to a firearm following the discharge of a firearm and to require a person who sells a firearm in this state to provide a copy of that study and a list of all of the types of ammunition that can be used in the firearm to the purchaser of that firearm.
Description: To enact sections 2923.221 and 3701.051 of the Revised Code to require the department of health to conduct a study to determine and describe the types of bodily injuries that can be incurred by the user of a firearm and by others in proximity to a firearm following the discharge of a firearm and to require a person who sells a firearm in this state to provide a copy of that study and a list of all of the types of ammunition that can be used in the firearm to the purchaser of that firearm.
Last Action: To State and Local Government
Last Action Date: June 25, 2013

Title: That is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Description: To amend sections 2923.12, 2923.122, 2923.126, and 2923.16 of the Revised Code to extend to handguns affirmative defenses to a charge of carrying a concealed weapon or having or transporting a firearm in a motor vehicle, to modify the prohibition against carrying a concealed handgun onto institutions of higher education, places of worship, day-care facilities, aircraft, certain government facilities, public areas of airport terminals and police stations, and school safety zones, and to amend the version of section 2923.126 of the Revised Code that is scheduled to take effect January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Last Action: To Judiciary
Last Action Date: July 11, 2013

Title: To revise the law governing firearms.
Description: To amend sections 109.69, 109.731, 311.41, 311.42, 2923.11, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.128, 2923.1213, 2923.13, 2923.17, 2929.14, and 2941.144, to enact sections 311.43 and 1533.04, and to repeal sections 2923.1210 and 2923.22 of the Revised Code to revise the law governing firearms.
Last Action: Governor' Action
Last Action Date: December 19, 2014

Title: That are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Description: To amend sections 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.126, and 2923.1212 of the Revised Code to generally authorize a person who is a state or local government official and has a valid concealed handgun license to carry a handgun concealed into any publicly owned facility that is not a secure facility and to amend the versions of sections 2923.126 and 2923.1212 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Last Action: To State and Local Government
Last Action Date: July 25, 2013

Title: To eliminate the time limit within which retired and honorable discharged members of the Armed Forces of the United States are exempt from the requirement to complete firearms training as a prerequisite to obtaining a concealed handgun license.
Description: To amend section 2923.125 of the Revised Code to eliminate the time limit within which retired and honorable discharged members of the Armed Forces of the United States are exempt from the requirement to complete firearms training as a prerequisite to obtaining a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Committee Report
Last Action Date: May 28, 2014

Title: To provide protections from federal provisions related to interstate commerce for firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition manufactured and remaining in Ohio.
Description: To enact sections 2923.26 to 2923.30 of the Revised Code to provide protections from federal provisions related to interstate commerce for firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition manufactured and remaining in Ohio.
Last Action: To Agriculture and Natural Resources
Last Action Date: November 7, 2013

Title: That are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Description: To amend sections 109.69, 109.731, 1547.69, 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.128, 2923.129, 2923.1210, 2923.1213, 2923.16, and 4749.10, and to enact section 2923.111 of the Revised Code to allow a person who has a concealed handgun license to carry concealed all firearms other than dangerous ordnance or firearms that state or federal law prohibits the person from possessing; to provide that a person 21 years of age or older and not legally prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm by federal law does not need a concealed handgun license in order to carry or have concealed on the person's person or ready at hand a firearm and is subject to the same laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm as a person who has a concealed handgun license; and to amend the versions of sections 2923.124 and 2923.126 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Last Action: To Policy and Legislative Oversight
Last Action Date: December 11, 2013

Title: That are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Description: To amend sections 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.126, and 2923.1212 of the Revised Code to generally authorize a person who has a valid concealed handgun license to carry a handgun concealed into any publicly owned facility that is not a secure facility, to limit this general access with respect to a nonsecure school building so that it applies only if the person is a government official, and to amend the versions of sections 2923.126 and 2923.1212 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Last Action: To State and Local Government
Last Action Date: January 15, 2014

Title: That are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Description: To amend sections 105.41, 152.08, 2923.11, 2923.122, 2923.126, 2923.1212, 2923.16, and 3345.21 of the Revised Code to expand the provision that authorizes any person to store a firearm in the Statehouse Underground Parking Garage or the Riffe Center Parking Garage so that it applies with respect to any Capital Square Review and Advisory Board or Ohio Building Authority parking facility, to authorize a concealed handgun licensee to store a handgun in a locked motor vehicle in any state or local government entity's parking facility, to authorize a concealed handgun licensee who is an employee of a private employer to store a handgun in a locked motor vehicle in the employer's parking facility, and to amend the versions of sections 2923.126 and 2923.1212 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Last Action: To Policy and Legislative Oversight
Last Action Date: January 29, 2014

Title: To expand and clarify the authority of a concealed handgun licensee to possess a handgun in a school safety zone.
Description: To amend section 2923.122 of the Revised Code to expand and clarify the authority of a concealed handgun licensee to possess a handgun in a school safety zone.
Last Action: To Civil Justice
Last Action Date: December 9, 2014

Title: To increase to 10 years the mandatory prison term for a person who is convicted of a felony and who possessed a firearm while committing the felony, if the person displayed or brandished the firearm, indicated possession of it, or used it to facilitate the felony or if the firearm was an automatic firearm or was equipped with a muffler or silencer.
Description: To amend sections 2929.14, 2941.141, 2941.144, and 2941.145 of the Revised Code to increase to 10 years the mandatory prison term for a person who is convicted of a felony and who possessed a firearm while committing the felony, if the person displayed or brandished the firearm, indicated possession of it, or used it to facilitate the felony or if the firearm was an automatic firearm or was equipped with a muffler or silencer.
Last Action: To Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 25, 2014

Title: To establish initial education programs and continuing education requirements for the fiscal officers of townships and municipal corporations, to establish procedures for removing those officers, county treasurers, and county auditors from office, and to create fiscal accountability requirements for counties, townships, municipal corporations, and public schools.
Description: To amend sections 305.03, 319.04, 319.26, 321.37, 321.46, 507.02, 2921.13, 2921.44, and 3314.023; to enact sections 117.45, 507.12, 507.13, 733.78, 733.81, 3313.30, 3314.50, 3326.211, 3328.16, and 3328.37; and to repeal sections 319.25 and 321.38 of the Revised Code; to amend Section 267.50.70 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly; and to amend Section 267.50.70 of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly for the purpose of codifying it as section 3314.51 of the Revised Code to establish initial education programs and continuing education requirements for the fiscal officers of townships and municipal corporations, to establish procedures for removing those officers, county treasurers, and county auditors from office, and to create fiscal accountability requirements for counties, townships, municipal corporations, and public schools.
Last Action: Passed 3rd Consideration House
Last Action Date: April 2, 2014

Title: To prohibit a person from knowingly acquiring, possessing, carrying, or using an assault weapon and to require the Attorney General to prepare for the establishment of a firearm and ammunition transactions database.
Description: To amend section 109.52 and to enact sections 109.5731 and 2923.171 of the Revised Code to prohibit a person from knowingly acquiring, possessing, carrying, or using an assault weapon and to require the Attorney General to prepare for the establishment of a firearm and ammunition transactions database.
Last Action: To Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: February 12, 2013

Title: To prohibit any agency and its employees and agents from seizing or authorizing the seizure of any firearm from any person lawfully in possession or control of the firearm except when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes the immediate seizure of the firearm is necessary for the safety of the officer or another person or to preserve the firearm as evidence, to prohibit the establishment of a firearm registry, and to prohibit law enforcement officers and international agents from enforcing a firearms registration requirement or firearm ban.
Description: To enact sections 5502.23 and 5502.231 of the Revised Code to prohibit any agency and its employees and agents from seizing or authorizing the seizure of any firearm from any person lawfully in possession or control of the firearm except when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes the immediate seizure of the firearm is necessary for the safety of the officer or another person or to preserve the firearm as evidence, to prohibit the establishment of a firearm registry, and to prohibit law enforcement officers and international agents from enforcing a firearms registration requirement or firearm ban.
Last Action: To Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: February 12, 2013

Title: To eliminate the journalist access exception from the general prohibition on the release of confidential records relative to the issuance, renewal, suspension, or revocation of a concealed handgun license.
Description: To amend section 2923.129 of the Revised Code to eliminate the journalist access exception from the general prohibition on the release of confidential records relative to the issuance, renewal, suspension, or revocation of a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: To Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: March 5, 2013

Title: To double the mandatory prison term for an offender who is convicted of a firearm specification and previously has been convicted of a firearm specification; to similarly double the period of authorized or mandatory commitment to the Department of Youth Services of a delinquent child who is guilty of a firearm specification and previously has been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act that would constitute a violation of a firearm specification if committed by an adult; to prohibit violent career criminals from knowingly acquiring, having, carrying, or using any firearm or dangerous ordnance; and to require a mandatory prison term for a violent career criminal convicted of committing a violent felony offense while armed with a firearm.
Description: To amend sections 2152.17, 2929.13, 2929.14, 2941.141, 2941.144, 2941.145, 2941.146, and 2941.1412 and to enact sections 2923.132 and 2941.1424 of the Revised Code to double the mandatory prison term for an offender who is convicted of a firearm specification and previously has been convicted of a firearm specification; to similarly double the period of authorized or mandatory commitment to the Department of Youth Services of a delinquent child who is guilty of a firearm specification and previously has been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act that would constitute a violation of a firearm specification if committed by an adult; to prohibit violent career criminals from knowingly acquiring, having, carrying, or using any firearm or dangerous ordnance; and to require a mandatory prison term for a violent career criminal convicted of committing a violent felony offense while armed with a firearm.
Last Action: To Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: May 7, 2013

Title: That are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Description: To amend sections 109.57, 109.572, 109.578, 311.171, 1923.02, 2151.23, 2151.357, 2152.02, 2152.14, 2152.191, 2152.22, 2152.82, 2152.83, 2152.831, 2152.84, 2152.85, 2152.851, 2901.07, 2907.02, 2929.01, 2929.13, 2929.19, 2929.23, 2950.01, 2950.011, 2950.02, 2950.03, 2950.031, 2950.032, 2950.033, 2950.034, 2950.04, 2950.041, 2950.043, 2950.05, 2950.06, 2950.07, 2950.081, 2950.10, 2950.11, 2950.13, 2950.131, 2950.14, 2950.15, 2950.99, 2971.03, 2971.05, 5321.03, and 5321.051, to enact sections 2950.09 and 2950.091, and to repeal section 2152.86 of the Revised Code to adjust the provisions of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law to reflect decisions of the Ohio Supreme Court in Hyle v. Porter (2008), 117 Ohio St.3d 165; State v. Bodyke (2010), 126 Ohio St.3d 266; State v. Williams (2011), 129 Ohio St.3d 344; In re C.P. (2012), Slip Opinion No. 2012-Ohio-1446, State ex rel. Jean-Baptiste v. Kirsch (2012), Slip Opinion No. 2012-Ohio-5697, and State v. Howard (2012), Slip Opinion No. 2012-Ohio-5738; to clarify juvenile court jurisdiction in serious youthful offender proceedings; and to amend the versions of sections 109.57, 2950.11, and 2950.13 of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2014, to continue the provisions of this act on and after that effective date.
Last Action: To Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: June 12, 2013

Title: To increase the penalty for an assault committed by a prisoner at a state correctional institution or delinquent child detained at a Department of Youth Services institution on an employee of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction or Youth Services on the grounds of the state correctional institution or Department of Youth Services institution and to eliminate the increased penalty for an assault committed by such a prisoner or delinquent child, a parolee, or an offender under any type of government supervision on a probation department employee or by an offender under any type of government supervision on an employee of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction or Youth Services.
Description: To amend sections 2152.17, 2903.13, 2923.125, 2929.13, and 2929.14 of the Revised Code to increase the penalty for an assault committed by a prisoner at a state correctional institution or delinquent child detained at a Department of Youth Services institution on an employee of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction or Youth Services on the grounds of the state correctional institution or Department of Youth Services institution and to eliminate the increased penalty for an assault committed by such a prisoner or delinquent child, a parolee, or an offender under any type of government supervision on a probation department employee or by an offender under any type of government supervision on an employee of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction or Youth Services.
Last Action: To Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: June 20, 2013

Title: To generally prohibit a physician from submitting any portion of a patient's medical record to an electronic database maintained by another party without authorization from the patient or the patient's representative and to prohibit a physician from asking a patient or prospective patient questions related to firearm ownership or possession.
Description: To amend section 3798.04 and to enact sections 4731.73 and 4731.74 of the Revised Code to generally prohibit a physician from submitting any portion of a patient's medical record to an electronic database maintained by another party without authorization from the patient or the patient's representative and to prohibit a physician from asking a patient or prospective patient questions related to firearm ownership or possession.
Last Action: To Medicaid, Health & Human Services
Last Action Date: July 30, 2013

Title: To generally prohibit storage of firearms where minors can get access to them and to require the transferor of a firearm to inform the transferee of the requirements for storage of the firearm.
Description: To amend section 2923.20 and to enact section 2923.26 of the Revised Code to generally prohibit storage of firearms where minors can get access to them and to require the transferor of a firearm to inform the transferee of the requirements for storage of the firearm.
Last Action: To Civil Justice
Last Action Date: April 1, 2014

Title: To permit investigators of the Attorney General's office to be authorized to go armed while investigating nursing home, residential care facility, long-term care facility, Medicaid program, or patient abuse or neglect violations and be exempt from concealed weapons prohibitions in the same manner as sheriffs and police officers; to expand the options for obtaining relief from the disability under the offense of having weapons while under disability; and to modify the concealed handgun licensing law by allowing nonresidents of Ohio to be issued a standard license if they are employed in Ohio or a temporary emergency license if they are temporarily in the state, removing the six-year look-back period from the competency certification exemption for retired or honorably discharged armed forces veterans, adding a competency certification exemption for persons who have completed training at the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy or the annual firearms recertification program, reducing the number of hours of training required for the competency certification, making a person ineligible for a license if the person has an out-of-state license that has been suspended for a reason similar to a reason that triggers the suspension of an Ohio license, repealing the statutory license application form and instead requiring the Attorney General to prescribe a form and make it available to sheriffs and online, exempting from the license renewal requirement for a specified period a person who is on active duty in the armed forces or in service with the Peace Corps, Volunteers in Service to America, or the U.S. foreign service and is a licensee or who is the spouse or dependent of such a person and is a licensee, eliminating the authority for a lessor of government land or premises to ban firearms or concealed firearms from the land or premises, and modifying the sanction for violating such a ban on private land or premises posted by the owner.
Description: To amend sections 109.731, 109.85, 109.86, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.1213, and 2923.13 and to repeal section 2923.1210 of the Revised Code to permit investigators of the Attorney General's office to be authorized to go armed while investigating nursing home, residential care facility, long-term care facility, Medicaid program, or patient abuse or neglect violations and be exempt from concealed weapons prohibitions in the same manner as sheriffs and police officers; to expand the options for obtaining relief from the disability under the offense of having weapons while under disability; and to modify the concealed handgun licensing law by allowing nonresidents of Ohio to be issued a standard license if they are employed in Ohio or a temporary emergency license if they are temporarily in the state, removing the six-year look-back period from the competency certification exemption for retired or honorably discharged armed forces veterans, adding a competency certification exemption for persons who have completed training at the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy or the annual firearms recertification program, reducing the number of hours of training required for the competency certification, making a person ineligible for a license if the person has an out-of-state license that has been suspended for a reason similar to a reason that triggers the suspension of an Ohio license, repealing the statutory license application form and instead requiring the Attorney General to prescribe a form and make it available to sheriffs and online, exempting from the license renewal requirement for a specified period a person who is on active duty in the armed forces or in service with the Peace Corps, Volunteers in Service to America, or the U.S. foreign service and is a licensee or who is the spouse or dependent of such a person and is a licensee, eliminating the authority for a lessor of government land or premises to ban firearms or concealed firearms from the land or premises, and modifying the sanction for violating such a ban on private land or premises posted by the owner.
Last Action: To Civil Justice
Last Action Date: May 12, 2014