Proposed Ohio Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
Filter: Click on bill number for details. jump to upper chamber
note: Ohio carries over legislation from odd-numbered years to even numbered years without exception

Title: Store firearm to prevent access by minor
Description: To enact section 2923.191 of the Revised Code to prohibit any person from storing or leaving a firearm in the person's residence unless the firearm is secured in safe storage or rendered inoperable if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm and to provide criminal penalties if a minor gains unauthorized access to a firearm not so stored or rendered inoperable.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Accountability and Oversight
Last Action Date: February 8, 2017

Title: Provide for firearms training for tactical medical professionals
Description: To amend sections 109.71, 109.73, 109.75, 109.79, 109.801, and 2923.126 and to enact sections 109.748 and 109.771 of the Revised Code to provide for firearms training for tactical medical professionals; to permit such a professional who has received that training and has been specifically authorized by the law enforcement agency to carry firearms while on duty; and to grant such a professional the same right to carry a concealed handgun in this state as a concealed handgun licensee.
Last Action: Effective 6/1/18
Last Action Date: June 1, 2018

Title: Eliminate need when stopped to notify carrying firearm
Description: To amend sections 2923.12, 2923.126, 2923.128, and 2923.16 of the Revised Code to modify the requirement that a concealed handgun licensee notify a law enforcement officer that the licensee is carrying a concealed handgun when stopped.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: November 15, 2017

Title: Restrict firearm transfers; require background checks
Description: To enact section 2923.26 of the Revised Code to prohibit a transfer of a firearm from a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer to a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer unless it is done through a federally licensed firearms dealer, through a state or local law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception; to require that background checks be conducted when a firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer or a state or local law enforcement agency; and to provide for recordkeeping with respect to information obtained pursuant to such a background check.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: March 29, 2017

Title: Require hunting license to specify if firearm restricted
Description: To amend section 1533.13 of the Revised Code to require an applicant for a hunting license to specify whether the applicant has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a felony and to require the license to specify "firearm restricted" if an applicant has so indicated.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: March 29, 2017

Title: Prohibit imitation firearms
Description: To enact sections 2923.51, 2923.52, 2923.53, 2923.54, and 2923.55 of the Revised Code to generally ban the manufacture, sale, alteration, and public display of imitation firearms and the disguising of a firearm to make it resemble an imitation firearm.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: March 29, 2017

Title: Expand right to concealed carry
Description: To amend sections 109.69, 109.731, 1547.69, 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.128, 2923.129, 2923.1210, 2923.1213, 2923.16, 2953.37, and 4749.10 and to enact section 2923.111 of the Revised Code to allow a concealed handgun licensee to carry concealed all firearms other than dangerous ordnance or firearms prohibited by state or federal law; to repeal the requirement that a licensee stopped for a law enforcement purpose promptly inform an approaching officer if the licensee is carrying a firearm and provide for expungement of convictions based on a violation of the requirement; and to provide that a person age 21 or older and not prohibited by federal law from possessing or receiving a firearm does not need a concealed handgun license in order to carry a concealed firearm and is subject to the same laws regarding concealed firearm carrying as a licensee.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: May 9, 2017

Title: Regards self-defense and handling firearms
Description: To amend sections 9.68, 109.801, 307.93, 307.932, 2901.05, 2923.11, 2923.121, 2923.126, 2923.129, 2923.1212, 2923.18, 2923.20, and 2953.37 and to enact sections 9.69 and 2923.1214 of the Revised Code to modify the law governing state preemption of local firearm regulations and related remedies, the grounds for self-defense and the burden of proof, the authority of a law enforcement officer or investigator to carry a weapon, the offense of unlawful transactions in weapons, and other weapons-related laws.
Last Action: Passed notwithstanding objections of the Governor
Last Action Date: December 27, 2018

Title: Avoid crime if concealed carry into prohibited space and leave
Description: To amend sections 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.126, and 2923.1212 and to enact section 2923.1214 of the Revised Code to enact the "Decriminalization Effort For Ending Notorious Deaths (DEFEND)" to provide an opportunity for a concealed handgun licensee or qualified military member to avoid charges for carrying a deadly weapon into a prohibited place if the person leaves upon request, and to penalize failure to leave upon request or returning with a firearm.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: September 20, 2017

Title: Permit law enforcement to conceal carry where prohibited
Description: To amend sections 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.123, and 2923.126 of the Revised Code to permit law enforcement officers to carry firearms off duty in places otherwise prohibited for concealed handgun licensees.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: June 6, 2017

Title: Require transfer of firearms if prohibited from carrying firearm
Description: To amend sections 2151.34, 2903.13, 2903.21, 2903.214, 2919.25, 2919.26, 2923.13, and 3113.31 and to enact section 2923.133 of the Revised Code to require a court that issues a protection order to determine if the respondent is prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm, to require a court to determine whether an offender who has been convicted of specified offenses is prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm, and to require a respondent or offender who the court determines is prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm to transfer all firearms in the person's possession to a law enforcement agency or a federally licensed firearms dealer.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: September 12, 2017

Title: Permit official to conceal carry handgun in government facility
Description: To amend section 2923.126 of the Revised Code to permit an elected officeholder of this state or a political subdivision of this state who holds a valid concealed handgun license to carry a concealed handgun in a government facility of this state or a political subdivision of this state.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: September 12, 2017

Title: Permit concealed carry in courthouses and govt buildings
Description: To amend sections 105.41, 123.011, 2923.122, 2923.123, and 2923.126 of the Revised Code to permit any person who holds a valid concealed handgun license to carry a concealed handgun in a courthouse, a courtroom, or a government facility of this state or in a government facility of a political subdivision of this state if the political subdivision has not enacted an ordinance or policy that prohibits a licensee from carrying a concealed handgun into the building or the court has not enacted a rule that prohibits a licensee from carrying a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance into the courthouse or courtroom.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: October 17, 2017

Title: Prohibit accelerating semi-automatic firearm's rate of fire
Description: To enact section 2923.133 of the Revised Code to prohibit the manufacture, sale, or transfer of any trigger crank, bump-fire device, or other product that accelerates a semi-automatic firearm's rate of fire but does not convert it into an automatic firearm.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: October 31, 2017

Title: Restructure education agencies and their duties
Description: To amend sections 5.224, 9.231, 9.55, 102.02, 103.48, 107.35, 109.57, 109.572, 109.64, 109.65, 109.71, 109.72, 109.746, 117.464, 121.02, 121.03, 121.35, 121.37, 121.40, 122.33, 122.76, 122.77, 124.11, 124.382, 124.384, 125.05, 125.092, 125.13, 125.901, 126.21, 126.32, 126.45, 133.06, 133.061, 135.142, 141.01, 145.222, 149.331, 149.433, 154.17, 154.21, 175.30, 184.01, 191.01, 191.02, 307.091, 311.01, 319.301, 901.71, 921.06, 955.43, 1713.02, 1713.03, 1713.031, 1713.04, 1713.05, 1713.06, 1713.09, 1713.25, 2151.011, 2151.353, 2151.362, 2305.111, 2741.01, 2901.01, 2903.13, 2907.03, 2917.31, 2917.46, 2923.122, 2923.1212, 2925.01, 2950.11, 3301.07, 3301.071, 3301.072, 3301.073, 3301.074, 3301.075, 3301.076, 3301.077, 3301.079, 3301.0710, 3301.0711, 3301.0712, 3301.0713, 3301.0714, 3301.0715, 3301.0716, 3301.0717, 3301.0718, 3301.0719, 3301.0720, 3301.0721, 3301.0722, 3301.0723, 3301.0724, 3301.0725, 3301.0726, 3301.0728, 3301.08, 3301.10, 3301.11, 3301.121, 3301.122, 3301.13, 3301.131, 3301.133, 3301.134, 3301.14, 3301.15, 3301.16, 3301.162, 3301.163, 3301.18, 3301.19, 3301.21, 3301.22, 3301.25, 3301.27, 3301.30, 3301.311, 3301.40, 3301.45, 3301.46, 3301.49, 3301.50, 3301.52, 3301.521, 3301.53, 3301.54, 3301.541, 3301.55, 3301.56, 3301.57, 3301.58, 3301.59, 3301.61, 3301.62, 3301.63, 3301.64, 3301.70, 3301.71, 3301.80, 3301.81, 3301.86, 3301.88, 3301.922, 3301.923, 3301.94, 3301.941, 3301.948, 3301.95, 3302.01, 3302.02, 3302.021, 3302.03, 3302.031, 3302.032, 3302.033, 3302.034, 3302.035, 3302.036, 3302.037, 3302.04, 3302.041, 3302.042, 3302.05, 3302.06, 3302.062, 3302.063, 3302.066, 3302.068, 3302.07, 3302.09, 3302.10, 3302.11, 3302.12, 3302.13, 3302.14, 3302.15, 3302.151, 3302.17, 3302.20, 3302.21, 3302.22, 3302.25, 3302.26, 3302.30, 3302.41, 3303.02, 3303.04, 3303.05, 3303.06, 3303.20, 3305.03, 3305.031, 3305.032, 3307.01, 3307.05, 3307.31, 3307.514, 3309.011, 3309.212, 3309.48, 3309.491, 3309.51, 3310.01, 3310.02, 3310.03, 3310.031, 3310.032, 3310.07, 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3737.73, 3742.32, 3743.59, 3745.21, 3781.106, 3781.11, 3797.06, 3798.01, 3905.484, 4109.01, 4109.06, 4109.07, 4112.04, 4112.12, 4117.10, 4117.102, 4141.01, 4141.47, 4503.51, 4506.09, 4506.10, 4507.21, 4508.01, 4511.21, 4511.75, 4511.76, 4709.07, 4709.10, 4713.02, 4717.05, 4723.063, 4729.42, 4732.10, 4732.141, 4732.22, 4734.211, 4735.09, 4735.23, 4742.02, 4742.03, 4742.05, 4742.06, 4742.07, 4743.03, 4747.10, 4757.01, 4757.41, 4758.01, 4758.61, 4760.031, 4762.02, 4763.01, 4771.01, 4779.13, 4783.02, 5101.061, 5101.34, 5103.02, 5103.08, 5103.13, 5104.01, 5104.015, 5104.02, 5104.035, 5104.036, 5104.053, 5104.08, 5104.29, 5104.30, 5107.281, 5107.287, 5107.40, 5107.58, 5107.62, 5119.187, 5120.031, 5120.07, 5120.091, 5120.55, 5123.0423, 5126.04, 5126.05, 5126.24, 5139.34, 5145.06, 5153.176, 5162.363, 5162.365, 5162.64, 5513.04, 5705.21, 5705.211, 5705.216, 5705.2110, 5705.391, 5705.412, 5709.07, 5709.92, 5709.93, 5715.26, 5715.34, 5727.84, 5727.85, 5747.01, 5747.03, 5751.20, 5751.21, 5753.11, 5910.02, 5910.04, 5910.08, 5919.34, 5919.341, 6109.21, 6301.11, 6301.111, 6301.112, 6301.15, 6301.20, and 6301.21; to amend, for the purpose of adopting a new section number as indicated in parentheses, section 3313.536 (5502.262); to enact sections 3301.061, 3301.062, 3301.0730, 3301.0731, 3301.0732, and 3301.123; and to repeal sections 3301.111, 3301.12, 3333.01, 3333.011, 3333.02, 3333.03, 3333.032, 3333.35, and 3357.19 of the Revised Code to establish the Department of Learning and Achievement; to abolish the Department of Higher Education, the position of the Chancellor of Higher Education, and the Ohio Board of Regents; to transfer, with exceptions, the duties regarding the administration of primary and secondary education programs and all duties regarding the administration of higher education programs to the Department of Learning and Achievement; and to prescribe certain duties regarding educator licensure, community school sponsorship, and other education programs for the State Board of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Department of Education.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Accountability and Oversight
Last Action Date: February 20, 2018

Title: Prohibit transferring firearm while background check pending
Description: To amend section 2923.25 of the Revised Code to prohibit a federally licensed firearms dealer from transferring a firearm while a background check is pending unless 30 days have elapsed.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

Title: Require 72-hour waiting period after buying a firearm
Description: To amend section 2923.25 of the Revised Code to require a 72-hour waiting period between the purchase and delivery of firearms and to impose a fine for violating this requirement.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

Title: Revise occupational licensing and registration laws
Description: To amend sections 101.721, 101.921, 109.57, 109.572, 109.77, 119.12, 121.22, 121.621, 169.16, 169.17, 173.381, 173.391, 306.352, 311.04, 503.44, 503.46, 505.49, 509.01, 511.232, 715.27, 737.052, 737.162, 903.05, 905.503, 907.111, 917.06, 921.23, 926.05, 935.06, 943.03, 943.031, 943.05, 943.09, 956.03, 956.15, 1119.05, 1119.08, 1315.04, 1315.081, 1315.101, 1315.151, 1315.23, 1315.30, 1321.04, 1321.05, 1321.37, 1321.522, 1321.53, 1321.532, 1321.537, 1321.54, 1321.59, 1321.64, 1321.70, 1322.022, 1322.023, 1322.04, 1322.041, 1322.042, 1322.07, 1322.074, 1322.10, 1501.013, 1501.25, 1514.99, 1531.132, 1533.342, 1533.631, 1533.632, 1533.641, 1545.13, 1546.16, 1561.12, 1561.23, 1571.012, 1702.80, 1713.50, 1716.05, 1716.07, 1751.05, 2903.37, 2915.081, 2915.082, 2919.123, 2919.17, 2919.171, 2919.18, 2919.201, 2919.202, 2919.203, 2923.17, 2925.38, 2929.42, 2929.43, 2953.25, 2961.03, 2961.23, 3302.151, 3304.31, 3310.43, 3314.101, 3314.40, 3319.088, 3319.225, 3319.292, 3319.30, 3319.31, 3319.311, 3319.313, 3319.39, 3319.40, 3319.52, 3326.081, 3326.24, 3327.10, 3328.18, 3328.19, 3332.05, 3332.09, 3332.11, 3332.12, 3345.04, 3710.06, 3719.121, 3721.07, 3734.02, 3734.42, 3734.44, 3734.83, 3735.311, 3743.03, 3743.04, 3743.16, 3743.17, 3743.70, 3743.99, 3770.05, 3770.073, 3772.04, 3772.07, 3772.10, 3772.16, 3772.99, 3773.42, 3773.53, 3781.102, 3783.03, 3796.03, 3796.04, 3796.09, 3796.10, 3796.13, 3905.06, 3905.062, 3905.063, 3905.07, 3905.14, 3905.15, 3905.85, 3905.851, 3916.15, 3923.233, 3923.301, 3931.11, 3951.04, 3959.12, 3959.13, 3964.03, 4121.443, 4301.25, 4303.29, 4303.292, 4501.02, 4508.03, 4508.04, 4508.06, 4511.76, 4511.761, 4511.762, 4511.77, 4513.34, 4517.04, 4517.09, 4517.10, 4517.33, 4701.01, 4701.06, 4701.07, 4701.09, 4701.16, 4701.17, 4703.07, 4703.10, 4703.15, 4703.34, 4705.02, 4707.02, 4707.07, 4707.072, 4707.074, 4707.09, 4707.111, 4707.15, 4707.19, 4709.07, 4709.08, 4709.10, 4709.13, 4712.03, 4713.28, 4713.30, 4713.31, 4713.34, 4713.69, 4715.034, 4715.10, 4715.21, 4715.27, 4715.30, 4715.301, 4717.05, 4717.051, 4717.14, 4717.35, 4719.02, 4719.03, 4719.08, 4723.07, 4723.092, 4723.24, 4723.28, 4723.281, 4723.34, 4725.12, 4725.18, 4725.19, 4725.44, 4725.48, 4725.52, 4725.53, 4727.03, 4727.15, 4728.03, 4728.13, 4729.08, 4729.09, 4729.16, 4729.42, 4729.53, 4729.55, 4729.552, 4729.553, 4729.56, 4729.90, 4729.92, 4729.96, 4730.10, 4730.11, 4730.25, 4730.31, 4731.054, 4731.09, 4731.19, 4731.22, 4731.223, 4731.224, 4731.225, 4731.226, 4731.25, 4731.281, 4731.291, 4731.292, 4731.296, 4731.52, 4731.573, 4731.72, 4732.10, 4732.17, 4733.11, 4733.20, 4734.20, 4734.23, 4734.26, 4734.27, 4734.286, 4734.31, 4734.34, 4734.35, 4734.36, 4734.39, 4735.07, 4735.09, 4735.10, 4735.13, 4735.18, 4735.27, 4735.28, 4736.08, 4737.99, 4738.04, 4738.07, 4738.12, 4740.05, 4740.06, 4740.10, 4740.12, 4740.14, 4741.12, 4741.22, 4747.04, 4747.05, 4747.10, 4747.12, 4749.03, 4749.04, 4749.06, 4749.09, 4751.04, 4751.05, 4751.10, 4751.11, 4752.09, 4753.10, 4755.06, 4755.07, 4755.08, 4755.11, 4755.47, 4755.62, 4755.64, 4757.10, 4757.22, 4757.23, 4757.27, 4757.28, 4757.29, 4757.36, 4757.361, 4758.20, 4758.24, 4758.30, 4759.02, 4759.051, 4759.06, 4759.07, 4760.03, 4760.13, 4760.15, 4761.04, 4761.05, 4761.06, 4761.07, 4761.09, 4761.11, 4761.13, 4762.03, 4762.13, 4762.15, 4763.05, 4763.06, 4763.11, 4765.112, 4765.115, 4765.116, 4765.17, 4765.18, 4765.301, 4765.55, 4771.18, 4773.03, 4774.03, 4774.06, 4774.13, 4774.15, 4775.11, 4776.04, 4776.20, 4778.02, 4778.03, 4778.06, 4778.14, 4778.19, 4779.09, 4779.18, 4779.28, 4781.09, 4781.14, 4781.21, 4783.04, 4783.09, 4973.17, 4973.171, 5104.013, 5104.99, 5119.08, 5120.55, 5123.13, 5123.16, 5123.169, 5123.1611, 5123.452, 5126.253, 5502.011, 5502.14, 5739.99, 5743.45, 5903.10, 5907.021, and 6101.75, to enact sections 9.78 and 9.79, and to repeal sections 4743.06, 4765.114, 4776.10, and 5743.17 of the Revised Code to limit the occupational license and registration requirements and fees that a political subdivision may impose on state-regulated occupations, to establish a waiver exempting certain persons from paying occupational license or registration fees, and to revise the licensing restrictions applicable to individuals convicted of criminal offenses.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Economic Development, Commerce, and Labor
Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

Title: Revise firearms control laws
Description: To amend sections 2151.34, 2903.213, 2903.214, 2919.26, 2923.11, 2923.13, 2923.18, 2923.20, 2923.23, 3113.31, and 3113.99, to enact sections 3113.26, 3113.27, 3113.28, 3113.29, and 3113.30, and to repeal section 2923.14 of the Revised Code to expand the definition of dangerous ordnance to include armor piercing ammunition and expand the definition of an automatic firearm to include any device within the federal definition of machine gun; to create additional conditions under which an individual may not possess a firearm or dangerous ordnance and to eliminate the process by which an individual may apply for relief from a weapons disability; to generally prohibit a person from buying, purchasing, obtaining, or furnishing a firearm on behalf of a third party; to provide for the entry of protection orders into the federal NCIC database and LEADS; and to provide for the issuance by a court of an extreme risk protection order.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State and Local Government
Last Action Date: April 10, 2018

Title: Regards defense of self, others, and property against crimes
Description: To amend sections 2307.601, 2901.05, and 2901.09 and to enact sections 2901.091 and 2901.092 of the Revised Code to define what constitutes reasonable force and specify when a person is justified in its use or threatened use, to provide that a person has no duty to retreat from any place where the person is lawfully present prior to using or threatening to use reasonable force, to establish civil and criminal immunity for a person who uses or threatens to use reasonable force, to revise the circumstances under which a person who uses or threatens to use deadly force is presumed to be acting in self-defense or in defense of another, and to establish a procedure and standards for asserting and disproving self-defense, defense of another, or defense of a residence in a criminal or civil case.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: May 15, 2018

Title: Revise law of wills, trusts, and suspicious deaths
Description: To amend sections 313.14, 1901.26, 1907.24, 2101.24, 2105.19, 2107.01, 2107.05, 2107.07, 2107.08, 2107.09, 2107.10, 2107.11, 2107.12, 2107.16, 2107.18, 2107.20, 2107.22, 2107.33, 2107.52, 2107.71, 2109.41, 2129.05, 2137.01, 2323.30, 2323.31, 2323.33, 2701.09, 2721.03, 3105.011, 3109.06, 4705.09, 5163.21, 5802.03, 5806.04, 5808.19, and 5815.16, to enact sections 2111.182, 2111.52, 2113.032, 2151.233, 2151.234, 2151.235, 2151.236, 2323.311, 2746.10, 3109.061, 5802.05, 5817.01, 5817.02, 5817.03, 5817.04, 5817.05, 5817.06, 5817.07, 5817.08, 5817.09, 5817.10, 5817.11, 5817.12, 5817.13, and 5817.14, and to repeal sections 2107.081, 2107.082, 2107.083, 2107.084, and 2107.085 of the Revised Code to permit nonelderly, disabled applicants or recipients of Medicaid benefits or their spouses to establish their own special needs trust on or after December 13, 2016, to specify domestic relations and juvenile court jurisdiction in certain matters, and relative to procedures for the waiver of certain fees for indigent litigants in civil actions, procedures for a testator to file a declaratory judgment action to declare the validity of a will prior to death and the settlor of a trust to file such an action to declare its validity, exceptions to antilapse provisions in class gifts in wills and trusts, admission of authenticated copies of wills of persons not domiciled in Ohio, incorporation of a written trust into a will, testimony of witnesses in admission of will to probate, trusts for a minor, arbitration of trust disputes, the creation of county and multicounty guardianship services boards, the coroner's disposition of person dying of suspicious or unusual death, an application for the release of medical records and medical billing records, adding involuntary manslaughter not resulting from a felony vehicular homicide offense to the list of offenses excluding an individual from inheriting from a decedent, attorney-client privilege when the client is acting as a fiduciary, and the placement of fiduciary funds in interest on lawyer's trust accounts.
Last Action: Concurred in Senate amendments
Last Action Date: December 13, 2018

Title: Restore local authority to control firearms
Description: To repeal section 9.68 of the Revised Code to restore local authority to regulate the ownership, possession, purchase, sale, transfer, transportation, storage, and keeping of firearms.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: May 15, 2018

Title: Allow judge or magistrate to carry firearm in courthouse
Description: To amend sections 2503.45, 2923.123, and 2923.126 of the Revised Code to generally authorize a judge or magistrate who is a concealed handgun licensee to possess a concealed handgun in a courthouse or attached parking area, to expand the exemption from the offenses regarding illegal conveyance, possession, or control of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance into or in a courthouse for a judge or magistrate who is a licensee with respect to a concealed handgun, and to require a specified secure storage of the concealed handgun while in the courthouse as a condition for application of the authorization and exemption.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: May 15, 2018

Title: Require state certificate to carry firearm in school safety zone
Description: To amend sections 109.73, 109.78, 2923.11, 2923.122, 2925.01, 5747.02, 5747.08, and 5747.98 and to enact sections 109.781, 2923.27, and 5747.69 of the Revised Code to require a state certification to carry a firearm into a school safety zone and to grant an income tax credit for school employees or contractors who have such certification.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: June 5, 2018

Title: Expand concealed carry rights
Description: To amend sections 9.68, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.126, 2923.1212, and 4117.10 and to enact sections 2923.22 and 3345.90 of the Revised Code to enact the "Decriminalization Effort For Ending Notorious Deaths -- Teachers With Options (DEFEND-TWO)" to allow a concealed handgun licensee or qualified military member to carry a concealed handgun in certain public premises, to reduce the penalty for a concealed handgun licensee who carries a concealed handgun in a prohibited place, and to prohibit public employers and universities from disciplining employees or students who lawfully carry a concealed handgun on the premises.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: June 20, 2018

Title: Disclose law enforcement data to defendant
Description: To amend sections 2913.04, 2923.129, 2935.081, and 2951.041 and to enact section 5503.101 of the Revised Code to allow disclosure of information from the law enforcement automated data system (LEADS) to a defendant in a traffic or criminal case; to authorize a court to continue on intervention in lieu of conviction an offender who is on it and violates any of its terms or conditions; and to allow certain state highway patrol troopers to administer oaths and acknowledge criminal and juvenile court complaints, summonses, affidavits, and returns of court orders in matters related to their official duties.
Last Action: Effective 3/23/18
Last Action Date: March 23, 2018

Title: Revise licensing rules for military personnel concealed carry
Description: To amend section 2923.125 of the Revised Code to waive the concealed carry license fee for active members of the armed forces and retired and honorably discharged veterans, to accept military experience with firearms as proof of competency with firearms regardless of when the applicant for a license acquired the experience, to permit a licensee to renew a concealed handgun license at any time before the expiration of the license, and to require the Attorney General to monitor the number of license fees waived and cap the total amount allowed to be waived at $1.5 million.
Last Action: Effective 11/5/18
Last Action Date: November 5, 2018

Title: Permit concealed handguns in statehouse and on its grounds
Description: To amend section 2923.126 of the Revised Code to permit concealed handgun licensees to carry concealed handguns in the statehouse and on its grounds.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
Last Action Date: April 26, 2017

Title: Expand right to concealed carry
Description: To amend sections 109.69, 109.731, 1547.69, 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.128, 2923.129, 2923.1210, 2923.1213, 2923.16, and 4749.10 and to enact section 2923.111 of the Revised Code to allow a concealed handgun licensee to carry concealed all firearms other than dangerous ordnance or firearms that state or federal law prohibits the person from possessing and to provide that a person 21 years of age or older and not prohibited by federal law from possessing or receiving a firearm does not need a concealed handgun license in order to carry or have a concealed firearm and is subject to the same laws regarding concealed firearm carrying as a concealed handgun licensee.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
Last Action Date: May 3, 2017

Title: Prohibit person liable to domestic violence from having firearm
Description: To amend sections 2903.13, 2919.25, 2919.26, 2923.13, 2923.14, and 3113.31 and to enact sections 2923.133 and 2923.134 of the Revised Code to prohibit a person convicted of domestic violence or assault of a family member, or a person subject to certain protection orders, from having a firearm; to establish a procedure for surrendering all firearms in the person's possession; and to name the act the "Domestic Violence Survivors Protection Act."
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
Last Action Date: May 17, 2017

Title: Regards self-defense and weapons control
Description: To amend sections 307.932, 2307.601, 2901.05, 2901.09, 2923.12, 2923.126, 2923.16, and 2953.37 and to repeal section 2923.1212 of the Revised Code to assign to the prosecution the burden of disproving a self-defense or related claim, to expand the locations at which a person has no duty to retreat before using force under both civil and criminal law, and to modify the Concealed Handgun Licensing Law regarding a licensee's duty to keep the licensee's hands in plain sight, the penalties for illegally carrying a concealed firearm or improperly handling firearms in a motor vehicle, and the posting of warning signs regarding the possession of weapons on specified premises.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
Last Action Date: September 7, 2017

Title: Allow on or off duty police to carry weapon on certain premises
Description: To amend sections 2923.121 and 2923.126 and to enact section 2923.1214 of the Revised Code to generally allow a law enforcement officer or BCII investigator who is carrying validating identification, whether on or off duty, to carry a weapon on certain premises open to the public and to provide a qualified immunity from civil liability for owners, operators, and employers of such premises for any related injury, death, or loss.
Last Action: Reported: Federalism and Interstate Relations
Last Action Date: June 27, 2018

Title: Prohibit accelerating semi-automatic firearm's rate of fire
Description: To amend sections 2923.13 and 2923.14 and to enact section 2923.133 of the Revised Code to prohibit certain conduct regarding trigger cranks, bump-fire devices, and other items that accelerate a semi-automatic firearm's rate of fire but do not convert it into an automatic firearm.
Last Action: Re-referred: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: March 21, 2018

Title: Regards subsidized tenant possessing or using a firearm in unit
Description: To amend sections 5321.01 and 5321.13 of the Revised Code regarding a tenant of subsidized rental premises owning, using, or possessing a firearm, a firearm component, or ammunition within the tenant's residential dwelling unit.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: November 29, 2017

Title: Eliminate prohibition against making or selling certain weapons
Description: To amend sections 2923.18 and 2923.20 of the Revised Code to eliminate the prohibition against manufacturing, possessing for sale, selling, or furnishing certain weapons other than firearms or dangerous ordnance.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Prohibit assault weapons; firearm/ammunition sale database
Description: To amend section 109.52 and to enact sections 109.67 and 2923.171 of the Revised Code to prohibit a person from knowingly possessing or acquiring an assault weapon and to require the Attorney General to prepare for the establishment of a firearm and ammunition transactions database.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: February 28, 2018

Title: Restrict access to firearms if person dangerous
Description: To amend sections 109.57, 2923.125, 2923.128, and 2923.13 and to enact sections 2923.26, 2923.27, 2923.28, 2923.29, 2923.30, and 2923.99 of the Revised Code to enact the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act to allow family members, household members, and law enforcement officers to obtain a court order that temporarily restricts a person's access to firearms if that person poses a danger to themselves or others.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

Title: Prevent minor from gaining access to firearms
Description: To amend sections 2923.125, 2923.13, 2923.14, and 2923.25 and to enact section 2923.191 of the Revised Code to prohibit a person from improperly storing or leaving a firearm if the person knows that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm and to provide criminal penalties, including forfeiture of firearms, if a minor gains unauthorized access to an improperly stored firearm.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

Title: Grant licensed firearms dealer right to refuse to sell firearm
Description: To amend section 2923.25 of the Revised Code to expressly grant federally licensed firearms dealers the right to refuse to sell or transfer a firearm to any person and to provide a dealer who asserts that right with immunity from civil liability for any injury, death, or loss that allegedly was caused by, resulted from, or was related to the refusal.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

Title: Restrict firearm transfers; require background checks
Description: To amend sections 2929.28 and 5122.311 and to enact section 2923.26 of the Revised Code to prohibit a firearm transfer from a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer to a person who is not a dealer unless it is done through a dealer, through a law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception, and to require that background checks be conducted when a firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer or a law enforcement agency.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

Title: Raise minimum age to purchase a firearm
Description: To amend sections 2151.022, 2152.02, 2152.16, 2923.21, and 2923.211 of the Revised Code to raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to age 21 and to increase the penalty for improperly furnishing firearms to a minor.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

Title: Regulate firearm transfers at gun shows
Description: To amend sections 2929.28 and 5122.311 and to enact section 2923.27 of the Revised Code to regulate the transfer of firearms at a gun show.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

Title: Register firearms with county sheriff
Description: To amend sections 2923.11 and 5502.01 and to enact sections 2923.22, 2923.221, and 2923.222 of the Revised Code to require firearms to be registered with the county sheriff in the county where the firearm owner resides.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Local Government, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018

Title: Revise firearms and ordnance control laws
Description: To amend sections 2151.34, 2903.213, 2903.214, 2919.26, 2923.11, 2923.13, 2923.18, 2923.20, 2923.23, 3113.31, and 3113.99, to enact sections 3113.26, 3113.27, 3113.28, 3113.29, and 3113.30, and to repeal section 2923.14 of the Revised Code to expand the definition of dangerous ordnance to include armor piercing ammunition and expand the definition of an automatic firearm to include any device within the federal definition of machine gun; to create additional conditions under which an individual may not possess a firearm or dangerous ordnance and to eliminate the process by which an individual may apply for relief from a weapons disability; to generally prohibit a person from buying, purchasing, obtaining, or furnishing a firearm on behalf of a third party; to provide for the entry of protection orders into the federal NCIC database and LEADS; and to provide for the issuance by a court of an extreme risk protection order.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 11, 2018