Proposed Ohio Firearm Legislation
2013-2014 Session2015-2016 Session2017-2018 Session2019-2020 Session2021-2022 Session2023-2024 Session2025-2026 Session
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note: Ohio carries over legislation from odd-numbered years to even numbered years without exception

Title: Regulates imitation firearms
Description: To enact sections 2923.51 to 2923.55 of the Revised Code to regulate the commercial sale, modification, and public display of imitation firearms and the disguising of a firearm as an imitation firearm.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: January 29, 2015

Title: Expands and clarifies conceal carry law
Description: To amend section 2923.122 of the Revised Code to expand and clarify the authority of a concealed handgun licensee to possess a handgun in a school safety zone.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: January 29, 2015

Title: Prohibits seizure or registry of firearms
Description: To enact sections 5502.23 and 5502.231 of the Revised Code to prohibit any agency and its employees and agents from seizing or authorizing the seizure of any firearm from any person lawfully in possession or control of the firearm except when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes the immediate seizure of the firearm is necessary for the safety of the officer or another person or to preserve the firearm as evidence, to prohibit the establishment of a firearm registry, and to prohibit law enforcement officers and international agents from enforcing a firearms registration requirement or firearm ban.
Last Action: Re-referred: State Government
Last Action Date: February 19, 2015

Title: Authorizes concealed carry in vulnerable areas
Description: To amend sections 311.42, 2923.12, 2923.122, and 2923.126 and to enact section 5103.132 of the Revised Code to modify the prohibition against carrying a concealed handgun onto institutions of higher education, day-care facilities, aircraft, certain government facilities, public areas of airport terminals, and school safety zones, to allow a sheriff to use concealed handgun license fee revenue to purchase ammunition and firearms, and to authorize certain children's crisis care facilities to maintain firearms.
Last Action: Passed - Amended
Last Action Date: December 7, 2016

Title: Regulates minor access to firearms
Description: To enact section 2923.191 of the Revised Code to prohibit any person from storing or leaving a firearm in the person's residence unless the firearm is secured in safe storage or rendered inoperable by a tamper-resistant lock or other safety device if the person knows or reasonably should know that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm and to provide criminal penalties if a minor gains unauthorized access to a firearm not so stored or rendered inoperable.
Last Action: To committee: State Government
Last Action Date: February 25, 2015

Title: Regulates transfers of firearms
Description: To enact section 2923.26 of the Revised Code to prohibit any transfer of a firearm from a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer to a person who is not a federally licensed firearms dealer unless the firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer, through a state or local law enforcement agency, or pursuant to a specified exception; to require that background checks be conducted when a firearm is transferred through a federally licensed firearms dealer or through a state or local law enforcement agency; and to provide for recordkeeping with respect to information obtained pursuant to such a background check.
Last Action: To committee: State Government
Last Action Date: February 25, 2015

Title: Prohibit imitation firearms
Description: To enact sections 2923.51, 2923.52, 2923.53, 2923.54, and 2923.55 of the Revised Code to generally ban the manufacture, sale, and public display of imitation firearms and the disguising of a firearm to make it resemble an imitation firearm.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: March 24, 2015

Title: Revises the law governing concealed handgun licenses
Description: To amend sections 109.69, 109.731, 1547.69, 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.128, 2923.129, 2923.1213, 2923.16, and 4749.10 and to enact section 2923.111 of the Revised Code to allow a person who has a concealed handgun license to carry concealed all firearms other than dangerous ordnance or firearms that state or federal law prohibits the person from possessing and to provide that a person 21 years of age or older and not legally prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm by federal law does not need a concealed handgun license in order to carry or have concealed on the person's person or ready at hand a firearm and is subject to the same laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm as a person who has a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: November 10, 2016

Title: Honoring Ethan Smith as the 2015 Junior Champion of the World English Sporting Clays Tournament.
Description: Honoring Ethan Smith as the 2015 Junior Champion of the World English Sporting Clays Tournament.
Last Action: Adopted: Rules and Reference
Last Action Date: June 23, 2015

Title: Revises concealed handgun licensing
Description: To amend sections 109.69, 109.731, 1547.69, 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.128, 2923.129, 2923.1213, 2923.16, and 4749.10 and to enact section 2923.111 of the Revised Code to allow a person who has a concealed handgun license to carry concealed all firearms other than dangerous ordnance or firearms that state or federal law prohibits the person from possessing and to provide that a person 21 years of age or older and not legally prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm by federal law does not need a concealed handgun license in order to carry or have concealed on the person's person or ready at hand a firearm and is subject to the same laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm as a person who has a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: April 14, 2015

Title: Revises concealed handgun licensing law for military
Description: To amend section 2923.125 of the Revised Code to waive the concealed carry license fee for active members of the armed forces and retired and honorably discharged veterans, to accept military experience with firearms as proof of competency with firearms regardless of when the applicant for a license acquired the experience, and to permit a licensee to renew a concealed handgun license at any time prior to the expiration of the license.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Civil Justice
Last Action Date: February 23, 2016

Title: Abolishes the death penalty
Description: To amend sections 9.07, 120.03, 120.06, 120.14, 120.16, 120.18, 120.24, 120.26, 120.28, 120.33, 120.34, 1901.183, 2152.13, 2152.67, 2301.20, 2307.60, 2701.07, 2743.51, 2901.02, 2909.24, 2929.02, 2929.13, 2929.14, 2929.20, 2929.61, 2930.03, 2930.06, 2930.16, 2937.222, 2941.021, 2941.14, 2941.148, 2941.401, 2941.43, 2941.51, 2945.06, 2945.13, 2945.21, 2945.25, 2945.33, 2945.38, 2949.02, 2949.03, 2953.02, 2953.07, 2953.08, 2953.09, 2953.10, 2953.21, 2953.23, 2953.71, 2953.72, 2953.73, 2953.81, 2967.03, 2967.05, 2967.12, 2967.13, 2967.19, 2967.193, 2967.26, 2967.28, 2971.03, 2971.07, 5120.113, 5120.53, 5120.61, 5139.04, 5149.101, and 5919.16 and to repeal sections 109.97, 120.35, 2725.19, 2929.021, 2929.022, 2929.023, 2929.024, 2929.03, 2929.04, 2929.05, 2929.06, 2945.20, 2947.08, 2949.21, 2949.22, 2949.24, 2949.25, 2949.26, 2949.27, 2949.28, 2949.29, 2949.31, and 2967.08 of the Revised Code to abolish the death penalty.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
Last Action Date: October 1, 2015

Title: Prohibits certain offenders from changing name
Description: To amend sections 109.57, 109.572, 109.60, and 2717.01 of the Revised Code to prohibit a person who has been convicted of an unsealable offense from changing the person's name and to require a court that is considering a name change application to obtain a criminal records check to determine whether the person is ineligible for the change.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
Last Action Date: February 10, 2016

Title: Permits concealed carry in places of worship
Description: To amend sections 2923.122 and 2923.126 of the Revised Code to generally permit a concealed handgun licensee to carry a concealed handgun in a place of worship.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: February 10, 2016

Title: Prohibits enforcing federal firearms law
Description: To enact section 2923.26 of the Revised Code to prohibit the state, a political subdivision, and any official, agent, or employee of any state or local government agency from knowingly enforcing or attempting to enforce any federal statute or regulation regarding a firearm, and to declare an emergency.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: February 16, 2016

Title: Evaluates a prohibition against carrying firearms
Description: To amend sections 2151.34, 2903.13, 2903.21, 2903.214, 2919.25, 2919.26, 2923.13, and 3113.31 and to enact section 2923.132 of the Revised Code to require a court that issues a protection order to determine if the respondent is prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm, to require a court to determine whether an offender who has been convicted of specified offenses is prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm, and to require a respondent or offender who the court determines is prohibited from carrying or possessing a firearm to transfer all firearms in the person's possession to a law enforcement agency or a federally licensed firearms dealer.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: April 13, 2016

Title: Allows concealed weapons in public offices with certain licensees
Description: To amend section 2923.126 of the Revised Code to permit an elected officeholder of this state or a political subdivision of this state who holds a valid concealed handgun license to carry a concealed handgun in a government facility of this state or a political subdivision of this state.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: April 26, 2016

Title: Addresses tactical medical professional use of firearms
Description: To amend sections 109.71, 109.73, 109.75, 109.79, 109.801, and 2923.126 and to enact sections 109.748 and 109.771 of the Revised Code to provide for firearms training for tactical medical professionals; to permit such a professional who has received that training or comparable training and who is authorized to carry firearms by the law enforcement agency the professional is serving to carry firearms while on duty in the same manner, to the same extent, in the same areas, and subject to the same potential for civil and criminal liability as a law enforcement officer of the agency; and to grant such a professional, while on duty in that capacity, the same right to carry a concealed handgun in this state as a person who was issued a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: May 5, 2016

Title: Carry firearm where prohibited
Description: To amend sections 2917.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, and 2923.126 of the Revised Code to provide that a concealed handgun licensee who carries a handgun concealed on or in property on which carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited is subject to removal but is not guilty of a violation of the prohibition unless the licensee fails to leave the premises upon request, that a licensee who fails to leave upon request or returns with a firearm within thirty days is guilty of disorderly conduct, and that a private property owner who chooses to prohibit firearms on the property is not immune from liability if a related injury occurs.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State Government
Last Action Date: November 10, 2016

Title: To regulate the commercial sale, modification, and public display of imitation firearms and the disguising of a firearm as an imitation firearm.
Description: To enact sections 2923.51 to 2923.55 of the Revised Code to regulate the commercial sale, modification, and public display of imitation firearms and the disguising of a firearm as an imitation firearm.
Last Action: To Policy and Legislative Oversight
Last Action Date: December 8, 2014

Title: Urge denying firearms and explosives to terrorists
Description: To urge Congress to enact legislation denying firearms and explosives to suspected terrorists.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: September 28, 2016

Title: To make changes to the laws governing the civil commitment of and treatment provided to mentally ill persons.
Description: To amend sections 2101.16, 2151.011, 2151.23, 2923.125, 2923.1213, 2923.13, 2945.37, 2945.38, 2945.39, 2945.40, 2945.401, 2967.22, 5119.311, 5120.17, 5122.01, 5122.03, 5122.05, 5122.10, 5122.11, 5122.13, 5122.141, 5122.15, 5122.19, 5122.21, 5122.27, 5122.30, 5122.31, 5122.311, 5122.34, 5122.43, 5139.54, 5305.22, 5907.06, and 5907.09 and to enact section 5122.111 of the Revised Code to make changes to the laws governing the civil commitment of and treatment provided to mentally ill persons.
Last Action: Effective Date
Last Action Date: September 17, 2014

Title: Addresses firearm penalties and various criminal sentencing
Description: To amend sections 2152.17, 2901.08, 2923.14, 2929.13, 2929.14, 2929.20, 2929.201, 2941.141, 2941.144, 2941.145, 2941.146, and 2941.1412 and to enact sections 2923.132 and 2941.1424 of the Revised Code to increase by 50% the mandatory prison term for an offender who is convicted of a firearm specification and previously has been convicted of a firearm specification; to prohibit violent career criminals from knowingly acquiring, having, carrying, or using any firearm or dangerous ordnance; to require a mandatory prison term for a violent career criminal convicted of committing a violent felony offense while armed with a firearm; to correct a provision regarding delinquent child dispositions for specifications; to provide certain prisoners credit for time spent in jail in determining eligibility to apply for judicial release; and to specify that no presentence investigation report is required for shock probation to be granted to an offender convicted of an offense before July 1, 1996.
Last Action: Effective 9/14/16
Last Action Date: September 14, 2016

Title: Allows certain townships to regulate discharge of firearms
Description: To amend section 504.04 of the Revised Code to permit townships that have adopted limited home rule government to adopt resolutions that regulate the discharge of firearms based on the population of the township and the density of the population in areas within the township.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: March 4, 2015

Title: Defines the right to firearms
Description: To enact sections 5502.23 and 5502.231 of the Revised Code to prohibit any agency and its employees and agents from seizing or authorizing the seizure of any firearm from any person lawfully in possession or control of the firearm except when a law enforcement officer reasonably believes the immediate seizure of the firearm is necessary for the safety of the officer or another person or to preserve the firearm as evidence, to prohibit the establishment of a firearm registry, and to prohibit law enforcement officers from enforcing a firearms registration requirement or firearm ban.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: April 22, 2015

Title: Abolishes the death penalty
Description: To amend sections 9.07, 120.03, 120.06, 120.14, 120.16, 120.18, 120.24, 120.26, 120.28, 120.33, 120.34, 1901.183, 2152.13, 2152.67, 2301.20, 2307.60, 2701.07, 2901.02, 2909.24, 2929.02, 2929.13, 2929.14, 2929.20, 2929.61, 2930.03, 2930.06, 2930.16, 2930.19, 2937.222, 2941.021, 2941.14, 2941.148, 2941.401, 2941.43, 2941.51, 2945.06, 2945.13, 2945.21, 2945.25, 2945.33, 2945.38, 2949.02, 2949.03, 2953.02, 2953.07, 2953.08, 2953.09, 2953.10, 2953.21, 2953.23, 2953.71, 2953.72, 2953.73, 2953.81, 2967.03, 2967.05, 2967.12, 2967.13, 2967.19, 2967.193, 2967.26, 2967.28, 2971.03, 2971.07, 5120.113, 5120.53, 5120.61, 5139.04, 5149.101, and 5919.16 and to repeal sections 109.97, 120.35, 2725.19, 2929.021, 2929.022, 2929.023, 2929.024, 2929.03, 2929.04, 2929.05, 2929.06, 2945.20, 2947.08, 2949.21, 2949.22, 2949.24, 2949.25, 2949.26, 2949.27, 2949.28, 2949.29, 2949.31, and 2967.08 of the Revised Code to abolish the death penalty and to declare an emergency.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: May 12, 2015

Title: Permits active duty armed forces to conceal carry
Description: To amend sections 109.731, 311.42, 1547.69, 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.126, 2923.16, and 2923.21 and to enact sections 2923.1210 and 5103.132 of the Revised Code to specify that an active duty member of the U.S. Armed Forces: (1) does not need a concealed handgun license to carry a handgun concealed if the member is carrying valid military identification and documentation of successful completion of specified firearms training; and (2) may be sold or furnished a handgun if the member has received specified firearms training; to prohibit a business entity from having a policy that prohibits a concealed handgun licensee from transporting or storing a firearm in the person's motor vehicle; to modify the prohibition against carrying a concealed handgun onto institutions of higher education, day-care facilities, aircraft, certain government facilities, public areas of airport terminals, and school safety zones; to allow a sheriff to use concealed handgun license fee revenue to purchase ammunition and firearms; and to authorize certain children's crisis care facilities to maintain firearms.
Last Action: Concurred in House amendments
Last Action Date: December 8, 2016

Title: Modifies the law governing civil and criminal asset forfeiture
Description: To amend sections 2923.36, 2981.01, 2981.02, 2981.03, 2981.04, 2981.06, 2981.08, 2981.09, 2981.11, 2981.12, 2981.13, and 2981.14 and to repeal section 2981.05 of the Revised Code to eliminate civil asset forfeiture proceedings and to modify the law governing criminal asset forfeitures.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: November 10, 2015

Title: Grants special parole eligibility to certain juvenile offenders
Description: To amend sections 2929.02, 2929.14, 2967.13, 2971.03, and 5149.101 and to enact section 2967.132 of the Revised Code to provide special parole eligibility dates for persons with an indefinite or life sentence imposed for an offense committed when the person was less than 18 years of age, to require the Parole Board to consider specified mitigating factors in those cases, and to require notice to the Ohio Public Defender and prosecuting attorney prior to the parole consideration hearing.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: February 10, 2016

Title: Changes scope of concealed handgun authorizations
Description: To amend sections 109.69, 109.731, 1547.69, 2923.11, 2923.12, 2923.121, 2923.122, 2923.123, 2923.124, 2923.125, 2923.126, 2923.128, 2923.129, 2923.1213, 2923.16, and 4749.10 and to enact section 2923.111 of the Revised Code to allow a person who has a concealed handgun license to carry concealed all firearms other than dangerous ordnance or firearms that state or federal law prohibits the person from possessing and to provide that a person 21 years of age or older and not legally prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm by federal law does not need a concealed handgun license in order to carry or have concealed on the person's person or ready at hand a firearm and is subject to the same laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm as a person who has a concealed handgun license.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State and Local Government
Last Action Date: September 28, 2016

Title: Authorizes municipalities to ban handguns during events
Description: To amend sections 9.68, 2923.122, and 2923.126 of the Revised Code and to amend Section 9 of Am. Sub. H.B. 12 of the 125th General Assembly to grant municipal corporations the authority to impose a ban or restriction on the open carry or concealed carry of any firearm in a publicly secured area established by the municipal corporation during an event of regional or national significance being held in the municipal corporation.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: State and Local Government
Last Action Date: September 28, 2016

Title: Disclose LEADS information to defendants
Description: To amend sections 2913.04 and 2923.129 and to enact section 5503.101 of the Revised Code to allow disclosure of information from the law enforcement automated data system (LEADS) to a defendant in a traffic or criminal case.
Last Action: Refer to Committee: Government Oversight and Reform
Last Action Date: November 29, 2016