Proposed Oregon Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Oregon does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Relating to public safety; declaring an emergency.
Description: Directs Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to establish program to award grants for restorative justice programs. Converts mandatory minimum sentences for specified felonies other than murder to presumptive sentences. Reduces presumptive sentences for certain crimes. Authorizes court to impose greater or lesser sentence according to sentencing guidelines of Oregon Criminal Justice Commission. Authorizes person receiving presumptive sentence to be eligible for certain programs and sentence reductions.] Directs Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to establish program to award grants for restorative justice programs. Directs commission to report to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary concerning awarding of grants. Appropriates moneys to commission for purposes of program. Requires police officer to inform stopped person of right to refuse consent to search. Requires police officer to provide stopped person with specified identifying information if stop does not result in arrest or citation. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Department of Administrative Services for distribution to Northwest Health Foundation Fund II for deposit into Reimagine Safety Fund. Describes permissible uses of funds and requires reporting to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on use of funds. Prohibits arrest without warrant for misdemeanor other than person Class A misdemeanor unless offense committed in presence of law enforcement officer.] Requires law enforcement officers to issue citation in lieu of arrest for specified crimes in certain circumstances. Prohibits traffic stop based solely on specified traffic violations and authorizes issuance of citation to registered owner of motor vehicle by mail. Prohibits parole and probation officers from carrying firearm while performing official duties] contacting probationer in certain locations except in certain circumstances. Requires certain training for certification and continuing education for parole and probation officers. Expands earned reduction in term of probation or post-prison supervision.] Modifies general conditions of probation and post-prison supervision. Prohibits revocation of probation or post-prison supervision unless person willfully absconds or is convicted of new felony or person Class A misdemeanor.] Provides that parole and probation officers have duty to provide supervised person ability to report by least onerous means. Prohibits supervision fees. Modifies Justice Reinvestment Program grant distribution. Requires that 20 percent of grant funds be distributed to Northwest Health Foundation Fund II for distribution as subgrants. Appropriates moneys to Oregon Criminal Justice Commission for deposit into Justice Reinvestment Account. Directs commission to evaluate subgrant program and report on progress of evaluation to Legislative Assembly. Appropriates moneys to commission for purposes of evaluation. Directs Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to collect certain data on imposition of supervision conditions, persons on supervision and expenditures of Justice Reinvestment Program funds and biennially report on data to Legislative Assembly. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to protective orders.
Description: Permits employers to seek issuance of restraining order or stalking protective order on behalf of employee when certain conditions are met. Permits employers to seek issuance of restraining order or stalking protective order on behalf of employee when certain conditions are met.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to firearm safety requirements; declaring an emergency.
Description: Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances. Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. If minor obtains unsecured firearm as result of violation, punishes by maximum of $2,000 fine. Provides that person who does not secure firearm as required is strictly liable for injury to person or property within two years after violation. Specifies exceptions to liability. Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container when transferring firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check, except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. Provides that person who transfers firearm without securing firearm is strictly liable for injury to person or property within two years after violation. Specifies exceptions to liability. Requires person to report loss or theft of firearm within 72 hours of time person knew or reasonably should have known of loss or theft. Punishes violation of requirement by maximum of $1,000 fine. Requires person transferring firearm to minor to directly supervise minor's use of firearm. Provides that person who does not supervise minor as required is strictly liable for injury to person or property caused by minor's use of firearm. Authorizes person to transfer supervisory duty and liability to another person. Specifies exceptions to supervision requirement and liability. Directs Oregon Health Authority to specify by rule minimum specifications for trigger and cable locks and locked containers required by Act. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to firearm transfers.
Description: Prohibits transfer of firearm by gun dealer or private party if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm. Prohibits transfer of firearm by gun dealer or private party if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to tax incentives for firearms safety; prescribing an effective date.
Description: Creates credit against personal income tax for cost of criminal history record check required by state law for transfer of firearm. Creates credit against personal income tax for cost of criminal history record check required by state law for transfer of firearm. Creates subtraction from taxable income for mileage for travel associated with criminal history record check. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and before January 1, 2027. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to state preemption of firearm regulation.
Description: Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption. Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to transportation; and prescribing an effective date.
Description: Modifies, adds and repeals laws relating to transportation. Modifies, adds and repeals laws relating to transportation. Exempts from license tax first sale, use or distribution of motor vehicle fuel in this state purchased by Indian tribe, tribal entity or tribal member entity for delivery to service station owned by Indian tribe, tribal entity or tribal member entity and operated on tribe's reservation or trust land. Requires Indian tribe to impose tax at same rate as license tax on sales of purchased motor vehicle fuel and to use revenues solely for uses consistent with constitutional requirements applicable to revenues from sales of motor vehicle fuel. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Last Action: Chapter 630, (2021 Laws): Effective date September 25, 2021.
Last Action Date: September 25, 2021

Title: Relating to firearms.
Description: Defines "undetectable firearm." Punishes manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring undetectable firearm by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Defines "undetectable firearm." Punishes manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring undetectable firearm by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Punishes possession of undetectable firearm by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Defines "untraceable firearm." Punishes possessing, manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring untraceable firearm by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Defines "unfinished frame or receiver." Requires gun dealer to conduct criminal background check before transferring unfinished frame or receiver. Punishes importing, offering for sale or transferring unfinished receiver by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Specifies exceptions. Punishes possession of unserialized unfinished frame or receiver by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Provides that person commits crime if person possesses unfinished frame or receiver and is prohibited from possessing firearms. Punishes by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to an exception to private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement for participant in Address Confidentiality Program.
Description: Exempts transferee who is certified participant in Address Confidentiality Program from private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement. Exempts transferee who is certified participant in Address Confidentiality Program from private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to concealed handgun licenses from states that recognize Oregon concealed handgun licenses.
Description: Provides person with privileges and legal defenses available to person with Oregon concealed handgun license if person is licensed to carry concealed handgun in another state that recognizes Oregon concealed handgun licenses. Provides person with privileges and legal defenses available to person with Oregon concealed handgun license if person is licensed to carry concealed handgun in another state that recognizes Oregon concealed handgun licenses.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to firearms; and prescribing an effective date.
Description: Requires person to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances. Authorizes entity that owns, occupies or controls public building to adopt ordinance, rule or policy limiting or precluding affirmative defense for possession of firearms in public buildings by concealed handgun licensees. Provides that ordinance, rule or policy may not affect possession of firearms in parking area or parking garage.] Modifies definition of "public building," for purposes of crime of possession of weapon in public building, to include certain airport areas, buildings owned, occupied or controlled by specified public bodies and real property owned by college or university. Defines "state building" and removes affirmative defense for possession of firearm in state building by concealed handgun licensee. Provides that prohibition of firearms in public buildings does not apply to person who possesses unloaded firearm in airport in locked container for transportation in accordance with federal law. Punishes violation by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both.] Requires person to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. Punishes violation by maximum of $2,000 fine if minor obtains unsecured firearm as result of violation. Provides that failure to secure firearm as required constitutes negligence per se. Specifies exceptions. Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container when transferring firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. Provides that transfer of unsecured firearm constitutes negligence per se. Specifies exceptions. Requires person to report loss or theft of firearm within 72 hours of time person knew or reasonably should have known of loss or theft. Provides that failure to report lost or stolen firearm constitutes negligence per se. Punishes violation of requirement by maximum of $1,000 fine. Requires person transferring firearm to minor to directly supervise minor's use of firearm. Provides that failure to supervise minor constitutes negligence per se. Authorizes person to transfer supervisory duty to another person. Specifies exceptions. Authorizes board of public university, Oregon Health and Science University, community college or school district to adopt policy providing that affirmative defense for concealed handgun licensees possessing firearms on school grounds does not apply. Provides that in prosecution for possession of firearm on school grounds subject to policy, within Capitol, or within passenger terminal of certain airports, concealed handgun licensee affirmative defense is not complete defense but results in Class A misdemeanor conviction punishable by 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Modifies definition of "public building," for purposes of crime of possession of weapon in public building, to include passenger terminal of certain airports. Creates affirmative defense to crime for persons who possess unloaded firearm in passenger terminal in locked container for transportation in accordance with federal law. Increases fees payable to county sheriff for issuance and renewal of concealed handgun license. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Last Action: Effective date, September 25, 2021.
Last Action Date: September 25, 2021

Title: Relating to state preemption of firearm regulation; prescribing an effective date.
Description: Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption. Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to permits to receive a firearm.
Description: Requires person to obtain permit before purchasing or otherwise receiving firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check. Requires person to obtain permit before purchasing or otherwise receiving firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check. Specifies qualifications for permit and procedures for applying for and issuing permit. Punishes transferor, when firearm is transferred to recipient without valid permit, by maximum of 364 days' imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to Secretary of State Dennis Richardson.
Description: Renames Public Service Building to Dennis Richardson Public Service Building. Renames Public Service Building to Dennis Richardson Public Service Building.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021

Title: Relating to firearms in school zones; declaring an emergency.
Description: Defines "school zone." Provides that person who knowingly possesses or discharges firearm in school zone commits Class C felony punishable by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Defines "school zone." Provides that person who knowingly possesses or discharges firearm in school zone commits Class C felony punishable by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Specifies exceptions. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Last Action: In committee upon adjournment.
Last Action Date: June 26, 2021